"Time is Up, Profile is Blocked by the Administrator" Scam
Google users who have received the fake "Time is Up, Profile is Blocked by the Administrator" email below, which claims that someone just used your password to try to sign into your profile and services, are asked not to follow the instructions in the email. This is because the email is a scam that has links that go to phishing or fake websites that steal account, personal and financial information.
The "Time is Up, Profile is Blocked by the Administrator" Scam
De: Apple Notification - fholveck@oceanbulk.co.uk
Enviado: miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018 05:11 a. m.
Asunto: Time is up, Profile is blocked by the administrator
Profile is listed as the recovery email for
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Account is blocked by the administrator
Google users who have been tricked by the phishing email are asked to change their passwords and check their accounts for discrepancies. And, instead of clicking on a link in an email, Google users should always go directly to myaccount.google.com/security-checkup/ to check their accounts' security activities.
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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.