The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams

The PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd Phishing Scams

PayPal users, be aware of fake PayPal email messages claiming that you have sent money to Blanja, Ltd. The fake or phishing email messages are being sent by cybercriminals to trick PayPal users into clicking on a link within them that goes to a fake or phishing PayPal web page. The fake webpage will then attempt to steal PayPal credentials and credit card information. So, it is important that PayPal users remember never to click on a link to sign into their PayPal accounts. They should instead, always go directly to

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A "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scam

Re: A payment receipt to Blanja, Ltd. ( - on Tuesday, November 13, 2018.

PayPaI Receipt;

Tuesday, November 13, 2018,

Transaction ID: K868HGDY76634

Dear Customer,

You sent a payment of $47.99 USD to Blanja, Ltd. (

it may take some time until this transaction to appear in your PayPaI account,


Blanja, Ltd. Instructions for merchants

You haven't entered any instructions.

Shipping address - confirmed

Margaret W Arzola

791 Ocala Street

Orlando, FL 32801

United States. Shipping details

SeIIer haven't icluded a shipping

Description Unit Price Quality Amount

Rocketek Macro Programmable Wired Gaming Mouse with RGB Backlight - BLACK

$47.99 USD 1 $47.99 USD



$0.00 USD

$47.99 USD


$47.99 USD

Payment $47.99 USD

Payment sent to

Invoice : lNV/9110/NK96/876You don't recognize this transaction

The link in the fake email message goes to a fake PayPal website at hxxps:// that was designed by cyber criminals to trick their potential victims into entering their PayPal username, password and credit card information.

If the requested information is submitted by the potential victims, it will be sent to the cybercriminals, who will use it to steal their money and use their accounts fraudulently.

If you are tricked into submitting your PayPal credentials and credit card information on the fake web page, please change your PayPal password and contact them for help immediately. Also, contact your bank and let them know that you have submitted your credit card information on a phishing website.

Remember, never click on a link to sign into your PayPal account, always go directly to and login from there.

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Nov. 14, 2018 at 1:37 AM by
The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Steinkjer, Trondelag, Norway

Same here in Norway. A tip: Hover the mouse over the "Click To Dispute This Transaction" link. The adress shows to be


Now, thats FISHY.


Nov. 13, 2018 at 6:46 PM by
The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Got exactly the same email 2X today...


Nov. 13, 2018 at 2:59 PM by
The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Richardson, Texas, United States

Got this exact same email today in North Carolina. Word for word identical. Thanks for confirming the scam!


Nov. 13, 2018 at 2:59 PM by
The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Had it twice today, forwarded it both times to, let's hope they can do something to help catch them


Nov. 13, 2018 at 1:35 PM by
The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Clarence-Rockland, Ontario, Canada

yes, had it to today.


Nov. 13, 2018 at 1:12 PM by
The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Riverside, California, United States

Received two (2) of these emails today hours apart.

Same amount $47.99 for gaming mouse purchase SCAM.

Besides this website PayPal needs you to forward the "spoof" email to and then delete both received and sent/forwarded email.

For your protection, go into settings and have all emails only open in TTY (Text Mode) never HTML.

You can enable HTML on emails you want to open and run much less risk of infection as even hovering over a popup link with your mouse, not even clicking can run malicious code.

They did a decent job of faking a PayPal page but if you notice the indicated link on the received email it has the word receipt spelled incorrectly.

Never click a link as suggested in this warning. Especially when website or email names are close but misspelled.

Obvious fake,

especially since it does not have your full name, or even PayPal username!


Nov. 13, 2018 at 1:06 PM by
The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

yep, just got this scam msg today. Thanks for the heads up!

"Re: A payment receipt to Blanja, Ltd. ( - on Tuesday, November 13, 2018.

PayPaI Receipt <>

Tue 11/13/2018, 10:23 AM

Tuesday, November 13, 2018,

Transaction ID: K868HGDY76634

Dear Customer,

You sent a payment of $47.99 USD to Blanja, Ltd.


it may take some time until this transaction to appear in your PayPaI account,


Blanja, Ltd. Instructions for merchants

You haven't entered any instructions.

Shipping address - confirmed

Margaret W Arzola

791 Ocala Street

Orlando, FL 32801

United States. Shipping details

SeIIer haven't icluded a shipping

Description Unit Price Quality Amount

Rocketek Macro Programmable Wired Gaming Mouse with RGB Backlight - BLACK

$47.99 USD 1 $47.99 USD



$0.00 USD

$47.99 USD


$47.99 USD

Payment $47.99 USD

Payment sent to

Invoice : lNV/9110/NK96/876You don't recognize this transaction?

Click to Dispute this transaction

You have 24 Hour from the date of the transaction to open a "DISPUTE" in the Resolution Center.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, and click help in the top right corner of any page.

Consumer Advisory - Ltd., the holder of stored value facility

does not require the approval of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Users are advised to read the terms and conditions carefully."


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The "PayPal You Sent Payment to Blanja, Ltd" Phishing Scams