EarthLink customers, be aware of "EarthLink Verify Your Payment Information" emails like the one below. The fake email which claims which claims the recipients' need to verify their accounts in order to avoid suspension, is a phishing scam being sent by cyber-criminals. The phishing email tricks EarthLink customers replying with their account credentials (usernames and passwords) and personal information. But, remember, Earthlink will never request their customers' account credentials, and will never ask their customers to send their personal information via an email message.
The "EarthLink Verify Your Payment Information" Phishing Scam
From: EarthLink Support <>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018 10:58:37 AM
Subject: Verify Your Payment Information - Verify Your Payment Informations
Update Payment Method
Dear Subscriber,
We Have Been Unable To Charge Your Account Using Your Payment Method, Due On 10/25/2018. Your current method of payment is VISA .
Your Bank Has Denied Our Request For Payment , Your Bank Has Made It Clear To Us That Your Card Number OR CVV 3 DIGITS Has Been Changed Or Replaced, Please Follow the Steps Below To Update Your Account.
Your EarthLink Account Will Be Deactivated Within The Next 24hrs If You Do Not Provide Accurate Account Number,SSN, Card Number And CVV For Security Reasons
Understand That Your information will be saved by EarthLink for future transactions on your Account.To Update Your Payments Information's Please CLICK HERE TO MAKE PAYMENT.
Your current balance is $73.00.
If you are tricked by the scam, please change your EarthLink password immediately and contact them for help.