The "ANZ General System Maintenance" Phishing Scam

The ANZ General System Maintenance Phishing Scam

The fake ANZ General System Maintenance email below is a phishing scam. Therefore, recipients are asked not to follow the instructions in it. The link in the fake email goes to fake or phishing ANZ website that steals personal information and online account credentials. ANZ is an Australia and New Zealand Banking Group.

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The "ANZ General System Maintenance" Phishing Scam

From: ANZ <>

Sent: Monday, October 15, 2018 12:09 AM

Subject: Action Required

Dear Customer,

We are letting you know that due to an ongoing General system maintenance in our Online Banking Database its mandatory for you to Verify Your ANZ Account in order to enjoy our online banking service. We request that you complete this quick Verification process. If this is not done as urgent as possible your account might be deactivated at once.

OnIine Verification

Please Do Not Reply to this Email

This is a notification-only email that cannot accept incoming replies.

ANZ customers who have already clicked on the link in the email message, and who have attempted to sign into a website that they were taken, are asked to change their ANZ passwords, check their accounts for any discrepancies and contact ANZ immediately.

Remember, the best protection against phishing scam is to never click on a link to sign into online accounts. Always go directly to your service providers’ website and sign-in from there instead. ANZ customers should only sign into their accounts at, or from their legitimate mobile app.

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The "ANZ General System Maintenance" Phishing Scam