"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails

M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment Phishing Emails

The fake "M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" email message below, which claims the recipients can earn extra money by performing job assignment and evaluator surveys, is just one of the many phishing email messages sent by cybercriminals or online scammers to trick their potential victims into sending them their personal information. Therefore, recipients of unsolicited email messages like the one below, which ask for personal information, are asked to delete them and not follow the instructions in them.

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Sample of the " M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Scam

From: mc-controls15@emisfera.it <mc-controls15@emisfera.it>

Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 6:34 PM

To: applyjobserv@gmx.com

Subject: **Welcome to M.S.P.A Delivered Services**

# Dear candidate,

We are (MSPA-LLC certified) which looking for persons to perform our job assignment as Evaluator Surveys. After you sign up, you will receive instructions and access training materials via email in your location.

>> Its fun and rewarding, we will pay (up to $535) each assignment.

Fill-out information below to get started:

1. Full Name :

2. Gender & Age :

3. Address Line :

4. State,City,Zip :

5. Phones :



James Carreon

CS Recruitment Fields.

Scammers steal personal information from potential victims using bogus emails like the one above. Once they are in possession of their potential victims' personal information, the scammers will contact them and attempt to scam them or sell their information to other scammers.

Victims of these scams usually blame their banks, utility companies, ISPs or even the government, claiming they sold their information to the highest bidder, when in fact they were the ones who unknowingly gave the scammers their information when they fell for their phishing scams.

This is why online users are asked to be careful of messages which ask for personal information, especially the ones that promise quick money with little or no work. Scammers use the promise of quick money and get rich schemes to help lure potential victims into their traps.

Many of the scams that we have come across usually send potential victims fraudulent checks (cheque) and ask them to deposit them. The scammers will then ask the potential victims to take their share of the money from the fraudulent checks and send the balance to them. But, the checks will bounce and the potential victims will be responsible for paying the cost for processing the checks and paying back the money they have sent to the scammers; they may even get arrested.

Persons who have received the same checks are asked not to deposit them and report them to the police, and those who have already done so are asked to contact their banks immediately and let them know that they may have been a victim online scammers.

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May. 23, 2020 at 8:43 AM by
"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: Darby, Pennsylvania, United States

this is a scam, to pay for sending information online...


Apr. 6, 2020 at 6:30 PM by
"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: La Jolla, California, United States

I have just received the check for basically 2500.00 and have not given any info except what they have which is address and phone. I’m wondering if there’s anyway I can cash the check and then change bank accounts. Wouldn’t that be funny. Right now they said they would give me a new assignment when the pandemic is over because they gave me an assignment to go to Walmart and buy 2000 worth of Kroger cards. Like bogus info and cash the check, but I guess I’d be no better than them.


Mar. 5, 2020 at 6:06 AM by
"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: Chicago, Illinois, United States

"msjbnewasv180@telenet.be <msjbnewasv180@telenet.be>

Wed, Mar 4 at 10:29 AM


We are a specialized agency in customer service research, -

member of M.S.P.A the professional trade association for the mystery(s)hopping industry.

We would like you to participate on this project and complete the assignment.

The job entails an Evaluation Customer Experience, you will be asked to visit -

shopping stores available in your area.

You will get paid for a completed report or per shopping assignment, -

and you can do the jobs part-time while having other jobs.

If you're interested in joining our team, please send your detailed information.

- NAME :






After you sign up, you will receive Instructions and details about the assignment.

Thank you for your participation and being here with us.


Kathleen Miller

Team official recruitment

Copyright 2020 MSPA-Agency LLC. All right reserved"

Received this scam.


Sep. 15, 2019 at 6:25 PM by
"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails

"From: tmrecruitment860am@telenet.be <tmrecruitment860am@telenet.be>

Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2019 9:02:39 AM

Subject: *JOIN US on Mystery(S)hoppers Job Assignment


We are a specialized agency in customer service research, -

member of MSPA the professional trade association for the mysteryshopping industry.

We would like you to participate on this project and complete the assignment.

The job entails an Evaluation Customer Experience, you will be asked to visit -

shopping stores available in your area.

You will get paid $400.00 for a completed report or per shopping assignment, -

and you can do the jobs part-time while having other jobs.

If you're interested in joining our team, please send your detailed information.







After you sign up, you will receive Instructions and details about your assignment.

Your response would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.


Alyson Hanks

Team official recruitment

Copyright 2019 MSPA-Agency LLC. All right reserved."

Here is another scam.


Jul. 29, 2019 at 12:17 PM by
"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails

"From: recruitment3180ms@telenet.be <recruitment3180ms@telenet.be>

Sent: Monday, July 29, 2019 17:48



We are a specialized agency in customer service research, -

member of MSPA the professional trade association for the mysteryshopping industry.

We would like you to participate on this project and complete the assignment.

The job entails an Evaluation Customer Experience, you will be asked to visit -

shopping stores available in your area.

You will get paid for a completed report or per shopping assignment, -

and you can do the jobs part-time while having other jobs.

If you're interested in joining our team, please send your -

detailed information.







After you sign up, you will receive Instructions and details about your assignment.

Your response would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.


Alyson Hanks

Team official recruitment

Copyright 2019 MSPA-Agency LLC. All right reserved."

Here is another scam.


Mar. 7, 2019 at 11:48 AM by
"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails

Here is another scam:

"From: msjbffd324c@telenet-ops.be <msjbffd324c@telenet-ops.be>

Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2019 9:38 AM

Subject: <><> Recruiters Agent Survey <><>

Hello, Welcome to mysteryshop program - Job survey assignment.

We have a customer service survey assignment project.

We would like you to participate and perform as a shop evaluator in your area.

The Job entails an evaluation process such as visit the shopping

store available in your area.

We will pay $500 per assignment basis and you can do the jobs

part-time while having other jobs, at least 1-2 assignment a weeks

will be assigned.

If you are interested in joining our team, please send your details

information for sign-up.

. Name:

. Address (Not PO. Box):

. City, State, and Zip:

. Country:

. Phones:

. Current Job:

As soon, you will be contacted via email/phone for Instruction,

and details your assignment. Thank you.


Alyson Hanks

Head of Recruitment

Copyright 2019 MSPA-Agency LLC. All right reserved."


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"M.S.P.A-LLC Delivered Services and CS Recruitment and Job Recruitment" Phishing Emails