Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams

Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams

Cybercriminals are attempting to harvest email addresses of potential victims by tricking online users into responding to fake Gay Media forums email messages like the one below. Therefore, online users who have received the same emails asking them to respond with the word "unsubscribe" are advised not to do so. This is how cybercriminals harvest email addresses of their potential victims and use them to scam or infect their victims' computers or mobile with viruses, spyware or other malware.

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A Gay Media forums Email Scam

From: Gay media forums

Date: Wed, Dec 31, 1969 at 6:00 PM

Subject: Confirm your registration..

Welcome to Gay Media forums

Please reply to this email by ' unsubscribe' if you didn't register , or don't want to receive any further messages from us .

Or reply by 'confirm' if you want to confirm your email .

Thank you for registering.

Online users who have already responded are asked to be careful going forward, because they will be sent phishing emails that will attempt to steal their online account credentials. Or, malicious emails that will infect their computers or mobile devices with viruses and other malware.

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Jun. 12, 2021 at 12:05 AM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan

I also received the same email for the third time, it is better to delete such emails


Jun. 11, 2021 at 9:59 PM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: del Fresno 1ra. Sección, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

I got it too, even as a second time recently, this guys are so dumb in my personal opinion because I always check what I do, I am not even g*y and got that stuff in my email, I am like "WTF? XD"


May. 24, 2021 at 6:53 AM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Athens, Greece

I Clicked on asking them to close the account, I saw a bunch of random emails and it made me suspicious, then I looked at the email address from where it came from, and I realised that something was wrong, I googled it and found out it was a scam, what can I do now that I replied to them asking to close the account? I am not g*y.

Does anyone have any answers?

Thank you in advance


Apr. 9, 2021 at 6:43 PM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Accra Metropolis, Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Is LinkedIn CSR Donation Program being channelled through Ziraat Bank, Turkey real?


Apr. 2, 2021 at 3:02 AM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Reading, England, United Kingdom

I've been getting ones from what looks to be the same or similar people for the past year, usually telling me I made a big purchase on Amazon or some American superstore that I literally don't have in this country. I've no idea where they got my email address because I'm usually very careful with what sites I use it to sign up to, but this particular email did genuinely give me a laugh because I *am* g*y and it felt almost like they knew, even though the obvious intention is for the reciever to be disgusted and reply unsubscribe or whatever.


Mar. 29, 2021 at 3:39 PM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Chácara Santo Antônio (Zona Sul), Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

So. I clicked to Unsubscribe and remove buttons and opened a Mail box to send them an email to unsubscribe it.

I was a fool. Now, how can I solve it, and protect my data?


May. 24, 2021 at 6:54 AM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Athens, Greece

I did the same mistake, can anyone please help me?


Mar. 19, 2021 at 5:33 AM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Monroe, Hilton, New York, United States

I received something that looked legit...

Dear ...,

Your profile on GayMediaForum has been approved. . Now all members can see your profile. Log in now and meet tons of exciting new people. .

Confirm Registration

You receive This email because you, or someone have created an account with this email address .

You are not logged in GayMediaForum?

Close This Account

Thank you,


You have received this email because you are a registered GayMediaForum dating site subscriber. You have agreed under member terms and conditions to accept emails from our service regarding offers and service updates.

You can change your email delivery options or unsubscribe anytime.


Jun. 10, 2019 at 1:26 PM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams
an anonymous user from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Spotted this when reviewing my junk mail before deleting.

"Your profile on GayMediaForum has been approved. . Now all members can see your profile. Log in now and meet tons of exciting new people. .

Thank you!

Confirm Registration

Confirmed users enjoy the following benefits:

» Notification of new messages

» Best results near you

» additional Offers

You receive This email because you, or someone have created an account with this email address .

You are not logged in GayMediaForum?

Close This Account

Thank you,

L'équipe GayMediaForum"


Jun. 7, 2019 at 8:11 AM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams

Received via email:

"Hello, I got an email from G*y Media Forum. I'm not a g*y woman and never signed up for that website"


Jul. 11, 2018 at 8:03 PM by
Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded message -

From: G*y Media Forum <>

Date: Wed, Jul 11, 2018, 12:20

Subject: Confirm your registration

G*y Media Forum

Welcome to G*y Media Forum

Please reply to this email by ''Confirm'' if you want to confirm your email

Or reply by ''Unsubscribe'' if you didn't register, or don't want to receive any further messages from us .

Thank you for registering.


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Gay Media Forums Confirm Your Registration Scams