"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails

Capital One Security Alert Phishing Emails

Capital One customers who have received email or SMS text message security alerts like the one below, which claim that their accounts need to be verified or else they will be suspended should be deleted and the instructions in them should not be followed. This is because the messages, like the one below, are being sent by cybercriminals to frighten and trick potential victims into clicking on the links in them, which go to phishing websites that steal online account credentials.

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A Sample of the "Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Scam

From: "service@capitalone.com" <eopmtr_41758@dove.augean.me>

Date: January 5, 2018 at 5:56:08 PM EST

Subject: Security Alert : 01-05-2018


Security Alert

Unusual credit card activity detected

Dear Customer,

We're letting you know that we've detected some unusual activity on your credit card on 01/03/2018. For your protection, please verify this activity so you can continue making credit card transactions without interruption.

Verify now After verifying your credit card, we'll take the necessary steps to protect your account from fraud. Please disregard this notice if you've already contacted us. Best regards,

Capital one

Capital One customers who have received messages claiming that they need to do some activity on their accounts, such always go directly to https://www.capitalone.com/ and sign into their accounts. Once they have signed in, they will be notified of security updates, notifications and other important notifications, if there are any. So, there is no need to click on a link in an email message, which may go to phishing or malicious website.

Also, Capital One customers who have already been tricked by the phishing messages, are asked to change their passwords and contact Capital One immediately, before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently by cybercriminals.

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Aug. 20, 2020 at 2:01 PM by
"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: Jacksonville, Arkansas, United States

I have received a phone call from 917-540-9999 and told I could receive a lower interest rate of 1.9%. Didn't answer the call and was left a voice mail stating her name was Marilyn, Capital one from the underwriting dept from New York, call back number was1-800-913-0345. Didn't call back but called Capital one to confirm it was a scam. IT WAS. Capital one does not call you unless it is to return a call from you.


Sep. 25, 2019 at 1:22 PM by
"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

I received a voicemail from 1-520-100-1005 stating that due to my payment history and balance I qualify to have my interested rate lowered to 1.9%. and I had to call this number 800-258-4857 to take advantage of this offer. And of course, the offer was only good for 3 days.

I knew that Capital One never solicited customers like this so I called Capital One and verified this was a scam they were very helpful to me.

I did not fall for it however I'm sure someone will please be careful if the offer seems too good to be true then it is.

Thank You

Loyal Capital One Cardholder


Aug. 13, 2019 at 10:04 AM by
"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

Hi, This is a recent email I received. I reported it and was told to send this to your attention.


"CapitalOne account 5489-5575-3770-4536

Your Recent Purchase Order# WC6778

Mon, Aug 12, 2019 11:05 am

billing team (teambilling014@gmail.com)

To:you Details


Thank you for your order, here is your invoice, we appreciate your purchase.

Your Order Information:

Order Number:7003711087-WC6778

Customer Number: 33831982

Order date: Aug-11-2019

Items Ordered: 01

S. No.





MICR0S0FT Surface Pro 3573



Grand Total: $2728

Total Amount in Words: Two thousand seven hundred twenty-eight.

If you have any queries, please feel free to call us. On 1-855-418-5340. We appreciate your business with us.

This message is confidential and/or contains legally privileged information. It is intended for the addressee only.

Terms & Condition

Any amendments or additions or alterations to the order shall only be effective if the Purchaser confirms such in writing.


This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept email. Please don’t reply to this message. We declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods as described above and that all particulars are true and correct. The goods sold are intended for end user consumption and not for resale. This is a computer generated invoice."


Oct. 29, 2018 at 10:43 AM by
"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails

Here is another scam:

"From: Сaрital oпe <nepasrepondre-server@realhosting.teenchallenge.cc>

Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2018 6:16 PM

Subject: Oпline Aleгt

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "capital one logo png"

Deaг valued membeг,

We гecently have deteгmined that diffeгent computers have logged onto your Account and multiple password failuгes were present before the logons.

We now need you to гe-confirm your account information to us.

If this is not completed by Octobre 29,2018, we will be foгced to suspend your account indefinitely, as it may have been used for fгaudulent puгposes.

To confiгm your records :

Thank you"


Jun. 12, 2018 at 11:39 AM by
"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: Rocky View County, Alberta, Canada

I received an email asking that I confirm my e-mail. I believe this is a phishing activity.


Apr. 16, 2018 at 8:36 PM by
"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails
an anonymous user from: Kyle, Texas, United States

I have received a notice of owing 1818.00 and a min payment due of 51.00. I do not have a Capitol one account ending in 9722


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"Capital One Security Alert" Phishing Emails