Danger! payment-travelhotelz is a fake PayPal Website that Steals Account Credentials

Danger! payment-travelhotelz is a fake PayPal Website that Steals Account Credentials

PayPal users, do not visit the website hxxp://payment-travelhotelz.com because it is a fake or phishing PayPal website created by cybercriminals. The cybercriminals who created the fake website trick potential victims into visiting it by sending them an email like the one below, which claims that access to their accounts have been limited because they have been accessed by a third party. The fake email then asks the recipients to click on a link in it to visit a fake PayPal website, where their account credentials (usernames and passwords) will be stolen by the same cyber-criminals if they attempt to sign-in. The cyber-criminals will then use the stolen credentials to hijack their victims’ PayPal accounts and use the accounts fraudulently.

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payment-travelhotelz - the Fake PayPal Website


Paypal users should always go directly to www.paypal.com and sign into their accounts when they receive email notifications, instead of clicking on the links in the same email notification. Once they have sign-in, they will be notified of changes or updates. Doing this will prevent PayPal users from becoming victims of phishing scams.

PayPal users, who have been tricked by the fake website should change their passwords immediately and check their accounts for discrepancies, and report those discrepancies (if there is any) to PayPal.

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Mar. 24, 2018 at 6:39 PM by
Danger! payment-travelhotelz is a fake PayPal Website that Steals Account Credentials
an anonymous user from: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I just got one from reservations@travelhotelz.com as coming from Apple - man they are convincing! I filled out everything except bank details and then thought why are they asking for my $$ limit. Checked return address and it was reservations@travelhotelz.com. I called Apple and told them.


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Danger! payment-travelhotelz is a fake PayPal Website that Steals Account Credentials