Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store

Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store

The Entitled Mart website located at www.entitledmart.com is a fraudulent online store. Online users are advised to stay away from the fraudulent online store because those who have shopped from it, run the risk of their personal, credit card and other payment processing information getting stolen by cybercriminals and used fraudulently. Therefore, we do not recommend purchasing or visiting entitledmart.com.

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www.entitledmart.com - the Fraudulent Online Store



The fraudulent websites trick online users into shopping on it by displaying fake Google Trusted Store and Better Business Bureau trusted seals.

Online users who have already used their credit cards on the website are asked to contact their banks for help. They should let their banks know that they have unknowingly used their credit cards on a fraudulent website.

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Mar 9, 2018 at 1:52 PM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store
an anonymous user from: Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

Entitledmart is just a scam, d**n skithogs, usually cheat people with small incomes who think they can make a clip! Mvh Nisse


Mar 6, 2018 at 11:02 AM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store
an anonymous user from: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

My name is Levi Pedro Severino and I live in Brazil,

I find this message to make a complaint about a purchase I made on the site involvedplaza.com and DO NOT RECEIVE the purchased product as of today.

The purchase I am referring to was executed on 2018/01/19 and an Order (number 84) was generated MILWAUKEE 2695-15 M18 15-TOOL COMBINATION KIT WITH 18V WIRELESS LITHIUM MAGNET $ 1,899.99 $ 159.99.

I followed my request on the site envolvedplaza.com every day, and stated that I did not receive my order at my address I made on the site, this site is fraudulent and deceives its customers, I recommend not to buy in that site


Mar 6, 2018 at 12:05 PM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store

Yes, you are right, the website is fraudulent.


Feb 7, 2018 at 11:21 AM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store
an anonymous user from: Prague, Czech Republic

Ano, 100% podvod, nedejte se oklamat.

překvapuje mě, že je Iphone pouští v sekcI placená reklama a nemá je prověřeny...

proč mám jako uživatel telefonu za tisíce mít podsouvánu reklamu zloděje?


Yes, 100% fraud, do not be fooled.

I am surprised that iPhone Desert is in paid advertising section and has not been tested...why do I have a thief advertiser as a thousand-dollar user?


Feb 23, 2018 at 8:39 AM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store
an anonymous user from: Rtyne v Podkrkonoší, Královéhradecký kraj, Czech Republic

Ano, bohužel jsme naletěli, zboží svítí, že je doručeno, ale nic nedorazilo. Co by pomohlo, abychom dostalI peníze zpátky nebo aby už další lidé nenaletěli? Děkuji

Yes, unfortunately, they said it was delivered, but nothing arrived. What would help us get money back or no other people? Thank you


Feb 5, 2018 at 10:49 AM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store
an anonymous user from: Sandvika, Akershus, Norway

I have made the same mistake. I’m not sure If I can recuperate my money. The website-ul "entitledmart.com" is a big s**t.


Feb 2, 2018 at 3:42 PM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store
an anonymous user from: Dublin, Leinster, Ireland


I ordered some tools from entitledmart in December I got a bit anxious about 2 weeks ago tried to get some sort of contact to no emails no reply if used there tracking option it told me that the item was in Ireland then in customs left customs arrived in sorting office left sorting office then was in delivery finally 2days ago

I checked it again and said misdelivery unrouted don't know what is going on I report it to the bank and they told me to write a letter to the tell them exactly what happened and copy the 1email that

I received when I ordered no postal tracking number just there own tracking system seems like this is a scam because there no way to contact them steer clear PS if anyone can help please feel free to contact me Brian.


Feb 23, 2018 at 3:20 AM by
Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store
an anonymous user from: Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia

HI Brian

Exactly same happened to me in Croatia. Report to your bank you should receive your money back from your bank. Cancel that card which you use for order.



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Entitled Mart at entitledmart.com - it is a Fraudulent Online Store