Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam

Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam

If you are asked to complete the survey below "Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion" please do not participate in it, because it is a trick to get online users to purchase products, services, complete questionnaires or surveys, by pretending to offer them rewards which are actual advertisements. The fake Chrome Opinion Survey is not associated with Google and the website that displays the survey will receive compensation for the products or services that they have tricked online users into purchasing.

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The main purpose of the fake Google survey being sent by online scammers is to make online users think they will get a reward for taking it, but the rewards shown at the end of the survey are advertisements that the people who have created the survey will get paid for, once the online users purchase the products or services that are being advertised.

The "Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey" Scam

Dear user, congratulations!

We want to thank you for being a loyal Google user! Your IP address has been randomly selected to receive a FREE Apple iPhone X.

From time to time we select a handful of Google users to give them the opportunity to receive valuable gifts from our partners and sponsors. This is our way of thanking you for choosing Google as your preferred search engine.

Today is your lucky day! You are one of the 10 randomly selected users who will receive this gift.

To receive your gift, you simply have to complete our short and anonymous survey. But hurry! There are only a few gifts available today!

How satisfied are you with Google?


Online users who have used their credit cards on the fraudulent website that they were taken to are asked to contact their banks for help. They should let their banks know that they have been tricked into using their credit card on a fraudulent website. Their banks should investigate, cancel the fraudulent transactions and refund their money.

For online users who have only submitted their personal information, they are asked to be careful going forward because they will be contacted by online scammers who will attempt to scam them.

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Apr. 13, 2022 at 10:16 AM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Lusaka, Lusaka Province, Zambia

Is it true these are scammer or mtn promotion to win iPhone x


Jul. 11, 2020 at 7:07 PM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

hxxps:// › s...

Soalan Dan Jawapan Prosa Tradisional Burung Terbang Dipipiskan Lada ...

Here is the link of of the said scam,just now informed me that I won iphone


Jun. 30, 2020 at 2:03 AM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Nashville, Tennessee, United States

This one here is one of the worst because they wont stop and send you fake UPS emails saying its on the truck now for 1$ your new Iphone


Jun. 11, 2020 at 12:59 PM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam

Another fraudulent website: hxxp://


Apr. 19, 2020 at 1:19 AM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Same here. I receive a notification about Iphone 11 Pro Max. I already input my address, email and phone number.

So better to do some research before filling up those sh**t.

Here's the link of the said google winner.



Aug. 17, 2019 at 5:19 AM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Makati City, National Capital Region, Philippines

I accomplished the survey and entered my bank details already so I could get a really discounted iPhone X. I am now withdrawing my cash only account, and will alert my bank on the next banking day.


Sep. 16, 2019 at 12:45 AM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Atabay, Western Visayas, Philippines

Did they really deliver you the phone? are they still asking for other payments?


May. 2, 2020 at 8:26 PM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

I received 3 sms after intering an iphone 11 competition online 2months back.

1st sms reads

Hi..., your shipment was delivered on ... to the drop-off point. View where you can pick-up your parcel here: http ://...

2nd one

Package for: ...

Dear ... You have won a prize please confirm your information: http://...

The last reads

..., we have tried to contact you regarding your free iPhone 11. Claim it now or we will pass it on to another customer: http://...

The track no or shipment when I click on those link they have sent me were matching. Is this a scam or I have real won?


Aug. 8, 2019 at 1:42 AM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Pasig, National Capital Region, Philippines

Got the same offer a while ago an iPhone X. I fill up my info then the last is they get my credit card for a transaction of 599, the amount for the iPhone X, but I don't have a credit card that's why I close the website. Then PHLPOST texts me to complete my delivery details.


Aug. 26, 2019 at 10:53 PM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Mandaluyong, National Capital Region, Philippines

Same with me. I don't have credit cards that's why I close the website and I notice that it is just a trick and I was shocked because the Philpost ask me to confirm my shipping details.


Aug. 1, 2019 at 3:22 PM by
Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Colombo, Western, Sri Lanka

Got the same offer for Samsung Galaxy S10, iPhone Xs Max. I entered an email but when they asked for credit card info I shut it down. Will that be a problem?


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Google FREE Apple iPhone X Visitor Browser Opinion Survey Scam