Do NOT trust or any site associated with CC XKKJEIR TECH JILINSHENG CN (company that charged my card) or with They have many fraudulent sites set up and they have a similar look. The site sells discounted, past season sportswear like ski jackets, sneakers, etc. Site states it is in Las Vegas, NV (USA); however, the charge on credit card is for a Chinese company and they charge more than what they display on the purchase receipt. Additionally, they do not send the product ordered (for example, they will send a girls fleece when a boys snowboard jacket was purchased).
When you ask for a replacement jacket or a refund, they will ask you to 'kindly keep the item sent in error by their shipping company' and please place a new order for the item you wanted and pay for it (at a new great discount). They will not issue or refund or send a correct replacement for the item ordered. Do not use their sites or send them any additional funds.
The Fraudulent Website -