"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam

Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation Scam

Mr. Jeffrey Skoll is not sending out random email messages to people around the world offering to donate money to them. Therefore, recipients of the email messages like the one below are actually being sent by online scammers, and not by the billionaire. The lottery scammers randomly send out fake donation email messages hoping some naive recipients will respond to them. If they get the responses, the scammers will respond telling the recipients they need to send personal information in order to start the process of receiving their so-called donations.

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A Sample of the "Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam

From: Jeffrey Skoll <sskolljeff@shaw.ca>

Date: Sun, Sep 3, 2017 at 12:25 PM

Subject: Charity Donation


My name is Jeffrey Stuart Skoll, OC. I'm the founder of one of the largest private foundations in the world. I'm on a mission to give it all away as I believe in ‘giving while living.’ I always had the idea that never changed in my mind — that wealth should be used to help each other which has made me decide to donate to you. Kindly acknowledge this message and I will get back to you with more details.

Visit the web page to know more about me: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/meet-the-canadian-billionaire-whos-giving-it-all-away/article4209888/


Jeffrey Skoll, OC.

If the recipients send their information, the scammers will use it or sell it to other scammers. The same scammers or others will use the information to contact the recipients and ask them to send money in order to receive their so-called donations. But, if the recipients send their money, the scammers will take it and disappear, leaving the victims broke and depressed.

Jeffrey Skoll is a Canadian billionaire who built his fortune as eBay's first full-time hire and president in 1995. Although Mr. Skoll said he will be giving away his wealth to charity like Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. Buffett, he would not send out random emails to his recipients. And, he would never request personal information via email messages or ask his recipients to send money in order to claim their so-called donations.

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Sep 30, 2023 at 7:10 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

Who is the foundation’s attorney


May 16, 2020 at 3:53 PM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam
an anonymous user from: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am not one to fall for scams but I gotta tell you, this one almost got me due to how detailed it was. As I can see now after reading the posts on this website, the same outline and key details remain the same and just change minor details. This is the email I got:

"Attn: Rebecca Scozzari,

Congratulations to you and your Family once again on behalf of Jack Ma Foundation. I wish to inform you that you have passed the verification and screening exercise. We decided to donate this token to you with no expectation from you, the aim of this donation to you, is to help provide relief aids and help people around you during this trying times. Everyone is gifted in his or her own way, we believe you know what to do with this funds that has been offered to you, in your own way try and reach out to the world and see if you can be able to help at least one soul if it is not too much to ask. Been good is not to help everybody in the world, but it been able to share the little you have with others. We hope it will be put to good use as we want your assurance that it will be put to good use the for people around you to benefit.

You should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of the receivers in the ongoing Jack Ma Foundation Donation by Chinese business magnate, investor and politician Mr. Jack Ma. On behalf of Jack Ma Foundation, we wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the screening and Verification test and clarification exercise from our payment Office organized by the screening committee of Jack Ma Foundation. You are required to send your name, address and File trace number (JMFRFS0-19) to the bank as prove of claim. Below is the bank's contact information, ensure to contact the payout bank for your donation claims with below contact information.

Details of the Bank.

• Bank Name: Hills Offshore Finance Home.

• Website: https://www.hillshomeonline.com/online/ (Note: Open this link with a computer)

• Department: Treasures & Security Deposit Bureau

• Contact Person: Martins Hester (Group risk and finance director)

• Contact Email: martinshester@hillshomeonline.com

For quicker response contact (martinshester@hillshomeonline.com). Please note that the agreement signed with the payout bank (Hills Offshore Finance Home) states that any beneficiary authorized to receive the Jack Ma Foundation donation will have to complete the process through the use of the Hills Offshore Finance Home telegraphic transfer (Bank to Bank wire transfer) system and he/she will have to open an online account with them. Upon your contact with the payout bank, you are required to open an online account where your donation will be wire-transferred into as soon as you open your online account with the payout bank. Also note that because of the agreement signed with the bank, they will not be able to issue out a cashier's check to you, there is nothing to worry about as this is in your favor, because you can transfer the funds from your online account directly to your local account yourself directly from your home computer, in this regards We placed an insurance policy bond on the donated funds, the bank cannot deducted/temper with your funds until it is transferred in full to the online account you are to open with the bank.

Always keep us informed on your correspondence with the payout bank so we will know the level of compliance with them. Be informed that claims are to be done within 14days to help the program and also to prevent unclaimed grants. God bless you and your entire household as you in turn be a blessing to the people around you.

Best Regards,

Jack Ma Foundation."


Dec 10, 2019 at 2:51 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam

"Dear Sir,

With due respect, I stated that I receive an email last week with the name of Skoll Foundation giving some amount to a needy person in different parts of the world...use the name of Mr. Jeff also...Email from skollfoundation119@protonmail.ch... please see this fraud matter and take necessary action to these culprits... Thank you


Mr. Zia


Received via email.


Oct 21, 2019 at 9:26 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam
an anonymous user from: Gumushane, Turkey

Received this scam:

"SevgilI Mustafa X*X XXXXXXXXX,

Skoll Vakfı adına siz ve aileniz için bir kez daha tebrikler. Doğrulama ve tarama çalışmasını geçtiğinizI size bildirmek isterim. Sizden hiçbir beklentI olmadan bu fonları size bağışlamaya karar verdik, bu bağışın amacı, yoksulluğun azaltılmasına yardımcı olmak ve dünyadakI işsizlik düzeyinI sizin aracılığınızla azaltmaktır. Herkes kendine göre yeteneklidir, size sunulan bu fonlarla ne yapacağınızı bildiğinize inanıyoruz, kendI yolunuzla dünyaya ulaşmaya çalışın ve en az birine yardım edip edemeyeceğinizI görün sormak için çok fazla değilse. Bir veya ikI kişinin senin hakkında düşünebileceğI ve gülümseyebileceğI bir şeye yatırım yapmanı tavsiye ederiz, iyI oldu, dünyadakI herkese yardım etmek değil, sahip olduğun küçük şeylerI başkalarıyla paylaşabildi. Toplumun, eğitimin veya iş geliştirmenin iyI bir şekilde kullanılmasını umuyoruz. Amaç, başkalarının da yararlanmalarını sağlamaktır. ÇevrenizdekI insanların faydalanmaları için iyI bir şekilde kullanılacağına dair güvencenizI istiyoruz.

Bu, alınan Talep İşleme Formunuzu aldığınızı onaylamak içindir. Montreal, Quebec, Kanada’dakI Jeffrey Stuart Skoll’un sürmekte olan Skoll Foundation Bağışında alıcılardan birI olarak ortaya çıkmış olduğunuz için kendinizI çok şanslı saymalısınız. Skoll Vakfı adına, Skoll Vakfı'nın tarama komitesI tarafından düzenlenen ödeme ofisimizden yapılan tarama ve doğrulama test ve açıklama çalışmalarını başarıyla geçtiğinizI resmen size bildirmek istiyoruz. TalebinizI kanıtlamak için adınızı, adresinizI ve Dosya izleme numaranızı (SKF120812) bankaya göndermeniz gerekmektedir. Aşağıda bankanın iletişim bilgilerI aşağıdadır, bağış talepleriniz için ödeme iletişim bankasıyla iletişim kurunuz.

Banka detayları

• Banka Adı: Hill Offshore Finans Ana Sayfası.

• Bölüm: Hazineler ve Güvenlik Mevduat Bürosu

• İrtibat Kişisi: Martins Hester (Grup riskI ve finans müdürü)

• İletişim e-postası: info@hillsoffshorehome.com

Daha hızlı yanıt için iletişime geçin (info@hillsoffshorehome.com). Ödeme bankasıyla (Hill Offshore Finans Evi) imzalanan sözleşmenin, Skoll Vakfı bağışını almaya yetkilI herhangI bir yararlanıcının Hill Offshore Finans EvI telgraf transferI (Bankadan Banka'ya banka havalesiyle) kullanımıyla tamamlanacağını lütfen unutmayın. ) sistem ve onlarla bir çevrimiçI hesap açmak zorunda kalacak. Ödeme bankası ile iletişime geçtiğinizde, çevrimiçI hesabınızı ödeme bankasıyla açar açmaz bağışınızın aktarılacağı bir çevrimiçI hesap açmanız gerekmektedir. Ayrıca, bankayla imzalanan anlaşma nedeniyle, size bir kasiyer çekinI çekemeyeceklerini, bunun sizin lehinize olduğu için endişelenecek bir şey olmadığını unutmayın, çünkü fonları çevrimiçI hesabınızdan doğrudan hesabınıza aktarabilirsiniz. yerel hesabınızı kendiniz doğrudan ev bilgisayarınızdan, bu bağlamda bağışlanan fonlara bir sigorta poliçe bonosu koyduk, banka, açacağınız online hesaba tam olarak aktarılıncaya kadar banka, fonlarınızdan tahsil edemez / öfkelenemez .

Ödeme bankası ile olan yazışmalarınız hakkında bizI süreklI bilgilendirin, böylece onlara uygunluk seviyesinI biliriz. Tanrı sizI ve tüm evinizI korusun, çevrenizdekI insanlara da bir lütuf olsun.


Jenneke Olson (Program Koordinatörü).

Skoll Vakfı."


Sep 3, 2019 at 8:45 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: Jenneke Olson <Jenneke0lson@hotmail.com>

Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 23:37



Congratulations to you and your Family once again on behalf of the Skoll Foundation. I wish to inform you that you have passed the verification and screening exercise. We decided to donate this funds to you with no expectation from you, the aim of this donation to you, is to help alleviate poverty and reduce the level of unemployment in the world through you. Everyone is gifted in his or her own way, we believe you know what to do with this funds that has been offered to you, in your own way try and reach out to the world and see if you can be able to help at least one soul if it is not too much to ask. We would advise that you invest into something that one or two persons can think about you and smile, been good is not to help everybody in the world, but it been able to share the little you have with others. We hope it will be put to good use for community, educational or business development Purpose for others to also benefit . We want your assurance that it will be put to good use the for people around you to benefit.

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your Claims Processing Form received. You should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of the receivers in the ongoing Skoll Foundation Donation by Jeffrey Stuart Skoll of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. On behalf of Skoll Foundation, we wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the screening and Verification test and clarification exercise from our payment Office organized by the screening committee of Skoll Foundation. You are required to send your name, address and File trace number (SKF120812) to the bank as prove of claim. Below is the bank's contact information, ensure to contact the payout bank for your donation claims with below contact information.

Details of the Bank.

• Bank Name: Hill Offshore Finance Home.

• Department: Treasures & Security Deposit Bureau

• Contact Person: Martins Hester (Group risk and finance director)

• Contact Email: caredesk@pacbell.net

For quicker response contact (caredesk@pacbell.net). Please note that the agreement signed with the payout bank (Hill Offshore Finance Home) states that any beneficiary authorized to receive the Skoll Foundation donation will have to complete the process through the use of the Hill Offshore Finance Home telegraphic transfer (Bank to Bank wire transfer) system and he/she will have to open an online account with them. Upon your contact with the payout bank, you are required to open an online account where your donation will be wire-transferred into as soon as you open your online account with the payout bank. Also note that because of the agreement signed with the bank they will not be able to issue out a cashier's check to you, there is nothing to worry about as this is in your favor, because you can transfer the funds from your online account directly to your local account yourself directly from your home computer, in this regards We placed an insurance policy bond on the donated funds, the bank cannot deducted/temper with your funds until it is transferred in full to the online account you are to open with the bank.

Always keep us informed on your correspondence with the payout bank so we will know the level of compliance with them. God bless you and your entire household as you in turn be a blessing to the people around you.

Best Regards,

Jenneke Olson (Program Coordinator).

Skoll Foundation."


Jun 20, 2019 at 10:48 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam

"From: Jenneke Olson <Jenneke0lson@hotmail.com>

Date: June 19, 2019 at 7:29:53 PM EDT



Congratulations to you and your Family once again on behalf of the Skoll Foundation. I wish to inform you that you have passed the verification and screening exercise. We decided to donate this funds to you with no expectation from you, the aim of this donation to you, is to help alleviate poverty and reduce the level of unemployment in the world through you. Everyone is gifted in his or her own way, we believe you know what to do with this funds that has been offered to you, in your own way try and reach out to the world and see if you can be able to help at least one soul if it is not too much to ask. We would advise that you invest into something that one or two persons can think about you and smile, been good is not to help everybody in the world, but it been able to share the little you have with others. We hope it will be put to good use for community, educational or business development Purpose for others to also benefit . We want your assurance that it will be put to good use the for people around you to benefit.

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your Claims Processing Form received. You should count yourself extremely lucky to have emerged as one of the receivers in the ongoing Skoll Foundation Donation by Jeffrey Stuart Skoll of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. On behalf of Skoll Foundation, we wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the screening and Verification test and clarification exercise from our payment Office organized by the screening committee of Skoll Foundation. You are required to send your name, address and File trace number (SKF120812) to the bank as prove of claim. Below is the bank's contact information, ensure to contact the payout bank for your donation claims with below contact information.

Details of the Bank.

• Bank Name: Hill Offshore Finance Home.

• Department: Treasures & Security Deposit Bureau

• Contact Person: Martins Hester (Group risk and finance director)

• Contact Email: caredesk@pacbell.net

For quicker response contact (caredesk@pacbell.net). Please note that the agreement signed with the payout bank (Hill Offshore Finance Home) states that any beneficiary authorized to receive the Skoll Foundation donation will have to complete the process through the use of the Hill Offshore Finance Home telegraphic transfer (Bank to Bank wire transfer) system and he/she will have to open an online account with them. Upon your contact with the payout bank, you are required to open an online account where your donation will be wire-transferred into as soon as you open your online account with the payout bank. Also note that because of the agreement signed with the bank they will not be able to issue out a cashier's check to you, there is nothing to worry about as this is in your favor, because you can transfer the funds from your online account directly to your local account yourself directly from your home computer, in this regards We placed an insurance policy bond on the donated funds, the bank cannot deducted/temper with your funds until it is transferred in full to the online account you are to open with the bank.

Always keep us informed on your correspondence with the payout bank so we will know the level of compliance with them. God bless you and your entire household as you in turn be a blessing to the people around you.

Best Regards,

Jenneke Olson (Program Coordinator).

Skoll Foundation."


May 24, 2019 at 9:33 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: Jenneke Olson <Jenneke0lson@hotmail.com>

Date: Thu., May 23 2019 at 18:22



Congratulations to you and your family once again on behalf of the Skoll Foundation. I would like to inform you that you have passed the verification and selection exercise. We decided to donate these funds without any expectation, the objective of this donation is to help alleviate poverty and reduce the level of unemployment in the world through you. We are all talented in their own way, we believe that you know what to do with these funds that have been offered to you, in your own way, try to communicate with the world and see if you can help at least one. Soul if it's not too much to ask. We recommend that you invest in something that one or two people can think about you and smile about. Being good is not helping everyone in the world, but sharing what little you have with others. We hope it is of good use for community, educational or business development. Purpose so that others also benefit. We want your assurance that it will be used so that the people around you benefit.

This is to acknowledge receipt of your Complaint Processing Form received. He should consider himself extremely fortunate to have emerged as one of the recipients in the ongoing Skoll Foundation Donation by Jeffrey Stuart Skoll of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. On behalf of the Skoll Foundation, we wish to formally announce that you have successfully passed the Verification and Verification test and the clarification exercise of our Payments Office organized by the selection committee of the Skoll Foundation. You must send your name, address and file tracking number (SKF120812) to the bank as proof of claim. Below is the bank's contact information, be sure to contact the payment bank for your donation claims with the contact information below.

Details of the bank.

• Name of the bank: Hill Offshore Finance Home.

• Department: Treasures & Security Deposit Bureau.

• Contact person: Martins Hester (director of risks and finances of the Group)

• Contact email: caredesk@pacbell.net

For a faster response, contact (caredesk@pacbell.net). Please note that the agreement signed with the bank of payments (Hill Offshore Finance Home) establishes that any beneficiary authorized to receive the donation from the Skoll Foundation will have to complete the process through the use of the telegraphic transfer of Hill Offshore Finance Home (transfer banking). ) system and he / she will have to open an account online with them. After your contact with the bank of payments, you must open an online account to which your donation will be transferred by transfer as soon as you open your account online with the bank of payments. Also keep in mind that, due to the agreement signed with the bank, they will not be able to issue you a cashier's check, there is nothing to worry about since this is in your favor, since you can transfer funds from your online account directly to your Local account yourself directly from your home computer, in this sense we place an insurance policy voucher in the donated funds, the bank can not deduct / moderate your funds until it is fully transferred to the online account you wish to open with the bank.

Always keep us informed about your correspondence with the payment bank so we can know the level of compliance with them. God bless you and your whole family, as, in turn, be a blessing to the people around you.


Jenneke Olson (Program Coordinator).

Skoll Foundation."


May 2, 2019 at 3:44 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam
an anonymous user from: Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

OMIGOSH! I received a very short and sweet two-liner from Philippa Thomas: that I have an award. I should email Jenneke Olson (privately...really! that already made me suspicious)...


May 12, 2019 at 7:08 PM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam
an anonymous user from: Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

I guess this is a Stellenbosh university thing. Glad I stumbled upon these comments.


May 12, 2019 at 7:05 PM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam
an anonymous user from: Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa

Hi, I also recently received the same email from outlook and I am also currently studying in Stellenbosch university.


Apr 15, 2019 at 1:08 AM by
"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: Jenneke Olson <Jenneke0lson@hotmail.com>

Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 11:24:55 PM

Cc: juliavisser123@gmail.com

Subject: Re: Email

Dear Recipient,

Management of the Skoll Foundation wish to duly notify you that you have been short-listed/adjudge by the Board of Trustees as One of the final recipients of gross sum of $2,000.000.00 Grant/Donation to you for fostering cultural understanding “empower women “and "provide vital disaster relief" and your personal and business development in your society. We do not want you to be bothered as to why you have been contacted for this and its genuineness, as We have done so from a pure motive. We would want you to get an insight of Mr Jeffrey Skoll, The Founder and Chairman of Skoll Foundation,

You can read more about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Skoll

Jeffrey Skoll - Wikipedia

Jeffrey Stuart Skoll, OC (born January 16, 1965) is a Canadian engineer, internet entrepreneur and film producer.He was the first employee and subsequently first president of eBay, eventually using the wealth this gave him to become a philanthropist, particularly through the Skoll Foundation, and his media company Participant Media.He founded an investment firm, Capricorn Investment Group ...


His intention regarding this donation is to be of immense blessing to people. This grant is done once in every year, He has decided to give out the total sum of $50 Million to 25 individuals.

His Net-Worth is over 4.2 Billion Dollars This you can also read on forbes: https://www.forbes.com/profile/jeff-skoll/

These specific Donations/Grants were awarded to shortlisted/adjusted international recipients worldwide; in different categories for their personal business Development. Furthermore, the objective is to make a notable change in the standard of living of People all around the Universe and the grant/donation was carried out by based on the random selection exercise of Internet websites and Millions of supermarket cash invoices worldwide, you were selected among the short-listed/adjusted international recipients to receive the award sum of $2,000.000.00 as Charity donations/aid from the Skoll Foundation and his Private Bank in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament.(Note that all Beneficiaries email addresses were selected randomly from over 100,000 Internet websites (Church's, Schools, Hospitals and other organizations) or a shop’s cash invoice around your area in which you might have purchased something from).

Each Recipients will receive up to $ 2,000,000 from the ceded amount of $50 M.If you know you will be able to handle what it will take to get this donation funds, Kindly respond and confirm readiness to participate by formally introducing yourself in details,



Cellphone or Telephone:




We await for your details to do further. Stay bless.

Warmest congratulations!

Best Regards,

Jenneke Olson (Program Coordinator).

Skoll Foundation."


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"Jeffrey Skoll Charity Donation" Scam