"EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scams

EU Monetary Compensation Funds Scams

Online users, beware of emails like the one below with the subject "EU Monetary Compensation Funds," which claims that the recipients are approved to receive thousands of dollars from the European Union Compensation Board. This is because the emails are scams that are being sent by scammers to their potential victims. Recipients of the fake email messages should not respond to them or follow the instructions in them. Remember, every month, scammers send out thousands of scamming email messages in an attempt to trick recipients into thinking they have won the lottery, or have received money from an organization or an individual.

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Sample of the "EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scam

From: EU Compensation Funds <info@mail.com>

Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 4:41 PM

Subject: Approved Compensation @!

To: Recipients <info@mail.com>


We are please to inform you that you have been selected for Monetary Compensation of four Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros (€4,500,000.00 ) from The EUROPEAN UNION COMPENSATION BOARD, Through the European Union Economic and Financial Directorate (Mr.Marco Buti).

It Is a compensation funds for Lucky Beneficiaries through email balloting system and for World Scam victims.

Reply for more details to file your compensation,;

Contact Email: jw0993@hotmail.com

Potential victims who respond to the email scams will be asked by the scammers to send hundreds or thousands of dollars, which the scammers will claim are for taxes and other fees that the potential victims must pay in order for them to receive their so-called compensation or money. But, once the scammers receive the money sent by their victims, they will disappear, leaving the victims disappointed, frustrated and thousands of dollars poorer.

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Jun. 18, 2018 at 7:45 PM by
"EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scams
an anonymous user from: Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

Another sample email:

This is to inform you that we are in possession of your Parcel which includes a certified One sealed Metal Box worth of Two million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars and other vital documents that we facilitate the clearance of the parcel in your country.

The parcel is Registered with us by the European Union Compensation Scheme Lottery Commission to make delivery to you. Mr.Hilton(Dispatch Officer) CONTACT E-MAIL:jw0993@hotmail.com


Mar. 20, 2018 at 12:43 AM by
"EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scams

Here is another scam:

"From: European Union Compensation Funds <webmaster@hokkaidomilk.com<mailto:webmaster@hokkaidomilk.com>>

Date: March 12, 2018 at 7:34:02 AM CST

Subject: Monetary Donation

We are please to inform you that you have been selected for Monetary Compensation of four Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros from The EUROPEAN UNION COMPENSATION BOARD, Through the European Union Economic and Financial Directorate (Mr.Marco Buti).

It Is a compensation funds for Lucky Beneficiaries through email balloting system and for World Scam victims. Reply for more details to file your compensation with full names and phone number,; Contact Email: jw0993@hotmail.com<mailto:jw0993@hotmail.com>"


Feb. 28, 2018 at 4:36 AM by
"EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scams

Here is another scam:

"Van: EU Compensation Funds

Verzonden: woensdag 28 februari 2018 10:27

Aan: Recipients

Onderwerp: FUNDS FOR YOU $$

We are please to inform you that you have been selected for Monetary Compensation of four Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros from The EUROPEAN UNION COMPENSATION BOARD, Through the European Union Economic and Financial Directorate (Mr.Marco Buti).

It Is a compensation funds for Lucky Beneficiaries through email balloting system and for World Scam victims. Reply for more details to file your compensation with full names and phone number,; Contact Email: jw0992@hotmail.com"


Oct. 23, 2017 at 4:44 AM by
"EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scams
an anonymous user from: Harare, Zimbabwe

I have received the following message. What should I do.

"We are please to inform you that you have been selected for Monetary Compensation of €3,500,000.00 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand Euros)from The EUROPEAN UNION COMPENSATION BOARD (EU),Through the European Union Economic and Financial Directorate ( Mr. RICHARD EDGAR MAIER).

Reply for more details: Contact Email : europeanunionscheme@gmail.com"

Is this one of the scam messages designed to defraud unsuspecting victims?


Oct. 23, 2017 at 5:18 AM by
"EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scams

Yes, it is a scam.


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"EU Monetary Compensation Funds" Scams