Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?

Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?

The website "Creative Jobs," located at is a scam. I have been seriously looking for other ways of earning online apart from academic writing. I figured that typing jobs wouldn't be a bad idea. A search on the internet returned as one of the search results, through a sponsored result. I immediately clicked on it and was excited to see their rates- US$2.5 to 5 per 1000 words for offline typing jobs and US$3.5 to 6 per 1000 words for online typing. That is an excellent rate by all means. I did quick calculations and figured that each day I would make a whopping $21 working for only 3 hours.

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Creative Jobs at

I am always wary of scams, there are so many of them online nowadays, and so I first checked for reviews on the site. There weren't many and so I went back to the site and analyzed it carefully using 'common sense'.

The first warning sign was unprofessional email addresses: and I cannot believe that in this day and age a company that wants to be taken seriously can use a free Gmail account instead of a business email.

The second warning sign was appalling grammar. English is my second language and so I cannot brag about my fluency and accuracy in English but trust me, I can tell appalling grammar from good grammar. Take for instance this section in which explains the nature of their typing jobs:

"We don't ask about Investment to our freelancer's for getting the typing jobs to us, but we really expect in return to our freelancer's a good accuracy borderline time period as per our terms . We are ready to pay best in the market for the same to you."

One is required to complete a simple task before you can be considered for employment. First, you have to select your country which I did after which I was redirected to a blogspot site- hxxp:// Need I mention that the website was also plastered with ads?

Before I could be allowed to access the sample work, I was required to register-basically I was required to create a Paltalk ID and a job junction ID. I clicked on the "complete registration" link and was redirected to a different site, AGAIN. The site was Here I selected my country after which I was redirected to a different site, AGAIN. The new site was hxxp:// and I was required to download a smilebox, whatever that is. Now, I do not just install every software that is on offer on the internet and so I figured it was time to quit my goose chase.

But before that, I went back to the 'complete registration page' and clicked on the link for creating a Paltalk ID and I was redirected to a blogspot Seriously? Why not

I gave up at this point. I mean, why should I be redirected to 4 different websites, all of which are plastered with ads, before I can be allowed to register? All the sites are owned by the same person and I guess the owner is hoping that somehow you will click on one of the ads as you hop from one site to the other and possibly earn him some money through Adsense.

I have to admit that that is a brilliant idea, but quite annoying for someone who is seriously looking for a job.

Please note that all the sites that you are being redirected to are blogspot blogs, free blogs for your information.

Make the judgment yourself. Personally, I would not touch the site with a one-foot pole. It shouts scam! I read somewhere that they could be getting people to register with their emails after which they could be selling the emails to marketers and this could not be a farfetched idea considering what I have gathered from the site so far.

Oh, and by the way, if you do not create a Paltalk ID and a Job Junction ID using the links that they have provided, the links with the referral IDs, you might as well forget about that job-if at all there is any.

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May. 3, 2022 at 7:42 AM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Unfortunately I filled their form ...after that I got info. that this site is a tell me im safe or not data is safe or not please tell me..I m really worried now..I gave my emails,my phone no.,my name,


Mar. 1, 2022 at 11:16 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Walagammulla, North Western, Sri Lanka

they have my email address, phone number, full name, type of the account I have(paypal), my signature. what will they do with these? will I get any problem? please... can you tell me what will they do to me with these.


Mar. 1, 2022 at 12:19 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Walagammulla, North Western, Sri Lanka

I only filled the google form and submit it(twice).I didn't send the word doc to their email. but I downloaded it. will I be scammed?


Mar. 1, 2022 at 12:05 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Walagammulla, North Western, Sri Lanka

I filled the forum out on that website. I didn't give any bank details. but I filled the email address and the phone number in the forum. I didn't send that word document to their email.

will I lose my money or will it be a threat to my privacy? please give me an answer


Mar. 1, 2022 at 12:59 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?

As long as you didn't send any financial information or account credentials, you should be ok.


Mar. 1, 2022 at 10:21 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Walagammulla, North Western, Sri Lanka

they have my email address, phone number, full name, type of the account I have(paypal), my signature. what will they do with these? will I get any problem? please... can you tell me what will they do to me with these.


Mar. 1, 2022 at 9:46 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Walagammulla, North Western, Sri Lanka

ok thank you very much

any threat to my privacy?


Mar. 1, 2022 at 11:51 AM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Walagammulla, North Western, Sri Lanka

I filled that registered forum in but I didn't get that word document and sent it to their email. will I also be scammed?


Mar. 1, 2022 at 12:58 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?

If you did not send any financial information or account credentials, you should be ok.


Oct. 10, 2021 at 2:57 PM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: DeKalb, Atlanta, Georgia, United States

You all are correct, phishing, fake work, and the genius ads. All this makes either data or money for them while baiting you with income-type work. Hence, I'll stay in crypto, been making money since 2021. Everything else has lost me money thus far, and don't think any of this was free for me. Let alone required no time and effort. Quite the opposite, spent more time making less to nothing trying to get started. Ergo, your process is correct (add firewall before process), look for the obvious, do the homework as you did. You nailed it.


Sep. 7, 2021 at 5:38 AM by
Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I was just about to get started with this "proof reading" program. Luckily I noticed the above comments before wasting any more of my time. I'm going to back off. The only online business I have achieved success with is trading cryptocurrencies. However it has taken me four years to become sufficiently proficient at this. The crypto market is extremely volatile so I was looking for another stream of income to cover the down periods.


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Is Cjinc Info Creative Jobs a Scam?