"RBC Royal Bank Canada Unclaimed Funds - Failed Transaction Notification" Phishing Scam

RBC Royal Bank Canada Unclaimed Funds - Failed Transaction Notification Phishing Scam

RBC Royal customers who have received email or SMS text messages like the one below, which claim a fraudulent transaction has been discovered on their accounts, should delete the messages. They should also not follow the instructions in the messages. This is because the messages are being sent by cybercriminals to frighten and trick potential victims into clicking on the links in them, which go to phishing websites that steal RBC Royal Bank online account credentials.

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The "RBC Canada Unclaimed Funds - Failed Transaction Notification" Phishing Scam

Subject: Message from RBC Canada (Payment of CAD $433.13.)

From: RBC.ConfirmTransaction.335KK.Ibanking.Sender@ima.umn.edu

Date: Wed 8/30/2017, 1:08 PM

Secure message recipient:

Unclaimed funds - Failed transaction notification

You have received a payment of CAD $433.13.

RBC Royal Bank has recently discovered that this funds were unclaimed or this was a fraudulent transaction.

To avoid any illegal actions on your account we had to put a temporary hold.

Simply login to our official website and verify your account information to restore your account and funds access.


Failure to verify your information within 12 hours may result in permanent account suspension.

RBC Canada is ensuring daily that your funds are secure and we are promoting every month different methods to prevent fraud. We take your security very seriously.

RBC WaterPark Place, 11 Queens Quay West, 15th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5J 0B8, Canada

Please do not reply to this email, as it was sent from an unmonitored account.

RBC Royal customers who have received messages claiming that they need to do some activity on their accounts, such always go directly to http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/ and sign into their accounts. Once they have signed in, they will be notified of security updates, notifications and other important notifications. So, there is no need to click on a link in an email message, which may go to phishing or malicious website.

Also, RBC Royal customers who have already been tricked by the phishing messages, are asked to change their passwords and contact RBC Royal immediately, before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently by cyber criminals.

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"RBC Royal Bank Canada Unclaimed Funds - Failed Transaction Notification" Phishing Scam