WhatsApp users, if you have received email, text or social messages like the one below, which claim that your WhatsApp has lost connection to your mobile account, please delete them and do not follow the instructions in them. This is because the messages are fakes, created by cybercriminals to trick WhatsApp users into visiting a fraudulent website that will steal their credit card and personal information. The fraudulent website will ask visitors to submit their personal information and may ask them to make payment. But, if the requested information is submitted, it will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the scam, who will use it fraudulently.
The "WhatsApp has Lost its Connection to Your Mobile Account" Phishing Scam
WhatsApp has lost its connection to your mobile account.
If you continue experiencing trouble with your account, please email our support team.
If you’d prefer not to receive emails from WhatsApp, Unsubscribe
WhatsApp Inc. | 222 Broadway, Floor 20, New York, NY 10038, USA
WhatsApp users who have already been tricked by the fraudulent email messages are asked to contact their banks for help. They should let their banks know that they have unknowingly used their credit cards on a fraudulent website operated by cybercriminals.