"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam

Facebook Online International Lottery Scam

The email message below which claims the recipients are winners in the Facebook Online International Lottery is a scam. There is no such lottery. As a matter of fact, there is no Facebook lottery. Therefore, recipients of similar messages claiming they are winners in some so-called Facebook lottery should never respond to the fraudulent email messages with their personal information or financial information, and should never send money to the lottery scammers.

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And, do not be fooled by fake Facebook lottery winning certificates and remember, once you are asked to send personal information or money in order to claim a lottery prize, it is a scam.

The "Facebook Online International Lottery" Email Scam

From: FACEBOOK COMPANY <fbus75@gmail.com>

Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 4:58 PM

Subject: Re:



Free: **(+1)-850-888-0075* <(850)%20888-0075>*Hotline: **425-336-0633* *Fax:**(+1)- 877-305-0687* <(877)%20305-0687>


*The Entire Facebook team are very happy to inform you that your name appear on the FACEBOOK ONLINE INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY and we are giving out the total sum of $500,000.00USD (FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATE DOLLARS) which is what you have just won.*

*Your name was selected in a raffle that was made for the FACEBOOK ONLINE INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY for the year 2017 with the lucky number (FB-225-7736) so we need your fast response so that we can proceed with the claim process of your winnings.*

*Your name was selected by Mr Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of Facebook (Founder

& amp Chief Executive Officer). The promotion was made to make all

Facebook users to benefit from the profit the company made while they use Facebook.*

*Facebook is the first and ever largest means of meeting both old and new


*The promo was done to serve as a means of appreciation to visitors on our site and also to help people to fight off poverty and to maintain a good standard of living.*

*However the results were released on the 1**st** Of AUG 2017 and your

Mobile Number was attached to REGISTRATION Lucky Number :* *FB-225-7736**AND BATCH NUMBER:03/02849/ The online draws was conducted by a random selection of Mobile Numbers. *

*We rolled out over $200,000.000.00 (Two Hundred million United State Dollars) for our anniversary draws. All participants were select through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 company mobile numbers and 30,000,000 individual mobile number from 45 mobile networks from Australia, New Zealand, North America, Africa, Philippines and others Asian

countries. As part of the international promotions program, which is conducted annually in USA, This promo is approved by the USA GOVT, American Gaming Board and licensed by the international association of gaming

regulators **(IAGR).*

*However, no tickets were sold but all Mobile Number contacts were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and privacy. The selection process was carried out through random mechanism selection in our computerized Mobile Number contacts machine** (TOPAZ)** from a database of over 10 Million Mobile Number contacts drawn from all the continents of the world.*

*Kindly contact Mr. Thomas Landis the General Secretary of the FACEBOOK TEAM and appointed as your claims officer via this email (**fbus75@gmail.com

<fbus70@gmail.com>**) immediately with the following information about you below:*

*Please you are advice to complete the form and send it immediately to our E-mail for prompt collection of your fund from the designated.*


* (1)FULL NAME: _________*

*(2)SEX: _______________*

*(3)COMPANY IF ANY: ____*

*(4)FULL CONTACT ADDRESS: _________*


*(6)AGE: ____*

*(7)CITY: _____*

*(8)STATE: _______*

*(9)ZIP/PIN CODE: ______*

*(10)COUNTRY: ______*

*(11)OCCUPATION: _____*

*(12)E-MAIL ADDRESS: _______*



*As soon as he gets your email with all the information stated above he will tell you on what next to do as regards the claiming and receiving of your winnings of US$500,000.00.*

*Yours faithfully,*

*Dr. Thomas Landis*

*(Online Asia Coordinator)*


*For Further Clarifications Contact Tell: **(+1)-850-888-0075*

<(850)%20888-0075>*OR **(+1)- **425-336-0633* <(310)%20256-3129>

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Apr. 6, 2019 at 5:04 PM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam
an anonymous user from: Reston, Virginia, United States

Hi, today is April 6, 2019. I was contact by a friend that she saw my name in facebook international loterry. It looks too good to be true. She gave me a number to contact because her friend won also and did all the process. He paid $450 for them to send him the money.

It sound very fishy. So I try to make conversations with the person and provide me with the scam information that is going around. The picture he send with the winning list look old and it can be easy edit it. I can make that list with the Facebook logo using Microsoft words.

The phone number of this person is 325-515-7464 thats here in New York City. I guess it can change depening the state you are.

I hope this is helpful. And besides if Facebook has a contest it will be in the news and news papers would have the infornation about it.

Dont trust those people. Just report it! And dont pay for anything that is suppose to be free, specially that amount of money.


Mar. 13, 2019 at 11:12 AM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam
an anonymous user from: Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

I was informed that i have won an international online lottery. The winning is huge 800,000 plus samsung note mobile.

I believe it's a scam and how may I report such scam. I met a guy thru online dating and he told me i had won such lottery ad my name has been selected. But, given the benefit of doubt, I played along.

Bow can i report such scam.

Please advise.Thanks


Mar. 13, 2019 at 11:20 AM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam

By posting the scam here, you have reported it. Thank you for doing so.


Feb. 27, 2019 at 5:36 AM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam
an anonymous user from: Marousi, Attiki, Greece

A woman named candice Swanepoel has been sending the same scam to people in South Africa and to me.. I live in Greece. Claiming money before the payout of your winning money.

Disgusting people playing people for hard earned money. Luckily, they did not get my money but do have my info... What to do now.


Feb. 27, 2019 at 5:55 AM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam

Just be careful going forward because the scammers will continiously contact you and attempt to trick you into sending them money.


Jan. 23, 2019 at 11:02 PM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam
an anonymous user from: Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, India

Dear. Sir/Madam,

I had a man by the name Rajesh Kumar ChittetI Owen contact me with the same scam today.


S*x: Male.

Full Home Address: H.No: 43/583-1.




Mobile no: 91 9949803959.

Email address: rajesh.chitteti@gmail.com

Thank you.


Jan. 21, 2019 at 4:01 PM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam
an anonymous user from: Houston, Texas, United States

I had a woman by the name of Rose Owen contact me with the same scam today.

I asked her for proof of her employment. She seemed to disappear. *lol*


Dec. 29, 2018 at 12:02 AM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam
an anonymous user from: New York, United States

Vicky Henry on Facebook is saying that I won money from the lottery on here. This person will not leave me alone and claims the FBI is watching so it's safe to give her a copy of my ID and my info. I need help stopping her, Facebook help.


Apr. 6, 2019 at 5:08 PM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam
an anonymous user from: Reston, Virginia, United States

Nooooooo... never give anything, contact the original Facebook office and provide them with the I information of that person so they can make the next step.


Dec. 29, 2018 at 3:51 AM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam

Report her to Facebook and block her.


Oct. 12, 2018 at 3:03 PM by
"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam

Received this scam:

"From: "Facebook Lottery Co-ordinator"<info@facebook.org>

To: Undisclosed-recipients:;


Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2018 22:16:30 -0700"


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"Facebook Online International Lottery" Scam