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"Amazon Suspicious Activites on Your Account" Phishing Scams

Amazon customers are asked to be aware of fake email messages like the one below which are being sent by cyber criminals. The fake email messages falsely claim that suspicious activities have been noticed on the recipients' accounts and they need to click on the link in the same email message in order to protect their accounts. But, the links in the email messages go to a fake or phishing website that will ask visitors to sign-in with their Amazon credentials and submit their personal and credit card information for confirmation purposes. And, any information submitted on the fake or phishing website will be sent to cyber criminals behind the scam, who will use the stolen information to gain access to their potential victims’ Amazon accounts and use them fraudulently.


A Sample of the "Amazon Suspicious Activites on Your Account" Phishing Scam

Suspicious activies on your account

Tue 18/07/2017 17:27

From: Amazon

We recently noticed potentially suspicious activities on your account and need to confirm that you authourize all the recently changes.

Please confirm your details now to help protect your Amazon account from unauthourized access. We have restricted your online access, which will remain in effect.

In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your card and address details. To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we can complete the verification.

Click here to Confirm


Amazon Team

Amazon customers who were tricked into visiting the phishing website and submitting their information on it, should change their Amazon passwords immediately, check their accounts for discrepancies, and report any found to Amazon. They should also let their banks know that they were tricked into submitting their credit card information on a phishing website.

To prevent phishing scams, Amazon customers should not click on links in email messages to sign into their accounts. They should always go directly to Amazon’ website ( and sign into their accounts from there. Once they are signed in, they can check their accounts for purchases and view important notifications.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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