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Help Save the Internet by Protecting Net Neutrality

The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they’ll allow widespread throttling, blocking, and censorship of services and content on the Internet. On July 12, 2017, "The Internet Slowdown Day," "Battle for the Net Day," "Net Neutrality Protest," "Internet-wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality," or "Day of Action" is the day the world will remind everyone what the Internet without net neutrality would look like, which will help drive record numbers of emails and calls to the United States Congress and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to stop them from destroying Net Neutrality. Even if you're not based in the United States, we appreciate you standing with us in the fight to keep the internet open everywhere.


What is Net Neutrality?

Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products, services or websites.

How does Net Neutrality Affect Online Users?

So, I pay my ISP a lot of money for a fast internet connection, because I want to be able to watch YouTube videos, watch television online, and make video calls to my family and friends; but I won’t be able to do so, if my ISP decides that providers of the services that I have mentioned, need to pay a fee in order for me to reliably use their services.

With my very fast internet connection, I will not be able to reliably watch videos, stream movies or make video calls if the providers of these services refuse to pay the fees demanded by my ISP. So, what is the purpose of my fast internet connection that I have paid my ISP so much money for if they do not allow me to reliably use the services that I have purchased the fast internet connection for?

This is why my friend, Net Neutrality came about, to stop Internet Service Providers from determining which stream of data is allowed or not allowed to pass through their networks, or which application or content you are reliably allowed to use or watch.

Without Net Neutrality, an ISP can determine that it will not allow you to reliably stream videos from Netflix but may allow you to comfortably stream from their competitors.

If you want an open internet, which will allow you to use any online service or application, start by moving away from internet service providers (ISPs) that do not support Net Neutrality and start using ISPs that do.

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