"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Donation Scams

Recipients of email messages similar to the one below, which claim the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation has awarded them millions of dollars, is a scam being sent by cyber criminals to potential victims. Paul G. Allen Family Foundation is not randomly giving away millions to selected individuals, therefore, recipients of email messages which claim otherwise are asked to delete them. Paul Gardner Allen is an American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist who co-founded Microsoft alongside Bill Gates. He is estimated to be the 46th richest person in the world.

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A Sample of the "Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scam


Sat 01/07/2017 01:10

From: Paul Gallen


You have been awarded US$7.2 Million by Paul G. Allen Family Foundation. Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly confirm this message so that I can send you my lawyer's contact for you to make contact with him for the receiving of your award.

For more details Visit:


Note; You should use the funds to engage on humanitarian ventures for the benefit of mankind on earth.


Paul G. Allen

Persons who were tricked by "Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" donation email scam are asked to report it to the police. And, those who were instructed by the cyber criminals to use their credit cards to make payments for their so-called donation are asked to contact their banks for help.

For information about the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, please go to www.pgafamilyfoundation.org.

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Nov 1, 2022 at 5:07 PM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams
an anonymous user from: Port Moresby, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea

Received this:

"Paul G.Allen Family Foundation <pinky@lintas.net.id>

7:39 AM (27 minutes ago)

to Recipients

Be careful with this message

Gmail could not verify that it actually came from lintas.net.id. Avoid clicking links, downloading attachments, or replying with personal information.

Looks safe

Dear Beneficiary,

You have been awarded $1,000,000.00 USD, each as charity donations/aid by Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to us at your earliest convenience.

On behalf of the foundation, we say congratulations to you.

Best Regards,

Dr.Val Bush"


Nov 6, 2019 at 5:12 PM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

Here is another scam:


Congratulations from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation - USA, where life changing opportunities and cash are given-out on a daily basis! Our foundation/founder has indeed been a great Philanthropist to this generation and he believe so much in the act of giving back to the community “giving while living,”. However, We are pleased to inform you that you are one (1) of the lucky people to benefit and receive $1,200,000.00 USD from our foundation’s ongoing goodwill project, grant/donations program.

Hope this message is sent to a valid e-mail account? Your email account was randomly selected to receive a cash donation of $1,200,000.00 USD from this Foundation. If this e-mail account Valid, then kindly click reply to contact us directly for comprehensive information.

For more details visit Google Paul G. Allen. https://pgafamilyfoundation.org/


Reply to ( paulgallenfoundation00@gmail.com )



Manager, Paul G. Allen Foundation"


Oct 28, 2019 at 1:46 PM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

Here is another scam:

"From: PAUL G ALLEN FOUNDATION <paulgallenfoundation00@gmail.com>

Sent: October 24, 2019 7:05 AM

Subject: Re: Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Donation

On Behalf of the Screening Committee of PAUL G ALLEN FOUNDATION

, we wish to formally inform you that you have successfully passed the Email Screening and Verification Matching Test conducted for all online winners in accordance with the PAUL G ALLEN FOUNDATION Terms and Conditions. Hence you are therefore cleared for payment by the verification and fund release department and your winnings has been duly signed and approved for release to you by the legal attorney to the PAUL G ALLEN FOUNDATION.

On close examination, your write-ups have shown a true reflection of your untapped potentials which could conversely give us a significant facelift in our prospective endeavors. Talking about this grant, our primary concern is honesty, sincerity and commitment.

We have already issued a letter of authority to the finance firm (PNC BANK) regarding your appointment as one our beneficiary to receive a total of [$1,200,000 USD] for you and your family. As I am busy with some personal project I will not be constant with the internet but do send me messages for update.

The contact details and e-mail of the finance firm is below and you have to contact them immediately via e-mail as I have already issued the authority to them and they will be expecting to hear from you so that they can arrange on how the funds will be transferred to you.

You have to provide all assistance the bank will need to affect the transfer.

Contact the bank stating only my deposit File No: Reference: RBI-678-45011-IN for easy trace of my file, and also note that you “MUST” open an account with PNC Bank before my deposit will be transferred to you in your name and thereafter you can transfer to anywhere you want in the world, if you follow the instructions from the bank directly within the next 3 working days you will have this funds transferred to you and available for use.

Bank Name: PNC BANK

Contact Person: Dr. Stanley Shultz,

General Manager (HRMD)

Email: info@pnc.planetcous.com<mailto:info@pnc.planetcous.com>

PLEASE NOTE THAT: The agreement/contract signed with the PNC BANK for online transfers of the funds stated that whoever that is authorized to receive the funds will complete it through the use of an online account that MUST be opened by the new customer, therefore note that your contact with the PNC will involve the opening of a new private account in your name which they will

automatically credit the deposit into your account then your fund would be transfer online from their online database to any other account of your choice anywhere in the world. That is PNC BANK e-banking policy so you should be ready to open an account with them upon your contact.

Yours faithfully,




Oct 8, 2019 at 1:56 PM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

Here is another scam:

-Original Message-

From: Paul G Allen Foundation <vladora@idknet.com>

Sent: October 8, 2019 2:32 AM

To: undisclosed-recipients:

Subject: Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Donation


Congratulations from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation - USA, where life changing opportunities and cash are given-out on a daily basis! Our foundation/founder has indeed been a great Philanthropist to this generation and he believe so much in the act of giving back to the community “giving while living,”. However, We are pleased to inform you that you are one (1) of the lucky people to benefit and receive

$1,200,000.00 USD from our foundation’s ongoing goodwill project, grant/donations program.Hope this message is sent to a valid e-mail account? Your email account was randomly selected to receive a cash donation of

$1,200,000.00 USD from this Foundation. If this e-mail account Valid, then kindly click reply to contact us directly for comprehensive


For more details visit Google Paul G. Allen.



Reply to ( paulgallenfoundation00@gmail.com )



Manager, Paul G. Allen Foundation

( paulgallenfoundation00@gmail.com )


Sep 15, 2019 at 12:49 AM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams
an anonymous user from: Pomona, California, United States

WHY don't you have an email address so we can send you a copy of the scam email to stop them? Everyone else does. If so, please post it in a conspicuous place.



Sep 4, 2019 at 9:05 AM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

"From: "Paul G Allen" <poh@frenckengroup.com>

Date: September 3, 2019 at 1:08:59 PM EDT


Reply-To: poh@frenckengroup.com

You have been awarded $1,200,000.00 by Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience via(paulgel1@outlook.com), so I know your email address is valid. For more details Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Allen

Please reply to paulgel1@outlook.com


Paul G Allen"

Here is another scam.


Jul 19, 2019 at 1:37 PM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams
an anonymous user from: New York, United States


Thank you for confirming the validity of your email address and also accepting this grant. We know this message may be a surprise to you but do kindly accept our gift and donation as a kind gesture from our ongoing goodwill project 2020. Our Foundation is truly committed to “giving while living,” We just recently organized and launched our internet donation program as this will enable us to reach out to more people outside the shores of USA so they too can benefit from my foundation. Many other major philanthropists look primarily to support large institutions and not individuals which is absolutely wrong thus we are changing such with this program.

The launch of this internet/mobile donation program came up so as to avoid unsolicited pleas for donations and to avoid the idea of people feeling indebted to him/us. To facilitate the disbursement process of the funds valued at One Million Two Hundred Thousand United State Dollars [$1,200,000 USD] which have been donated solely to you, please provide the below information. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously. I ask you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living of as many people as you can and see the joy and happiness of giving.

Do make sure you reconfirm me with your complete information below so I forward it to my selected payout bank for disbursement.

Full Name:

Contact Address:



Mobile Number:

I am trusting you to make good use of this money. Thank you for accepting this offer, I am indeed grateful. I anticipate your earliest response.

Best regards,

Val Bush, Grants Specialist"

Above is the email sent after you validate your email with them. Thanks for the heads up.


Jul 8, 2019 at 12:02 PM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

"From: Val Bush [mailto:wanderley.silva@tre-am.jus.br]

Sent: Sunday, July 07, 2019 4:20 PM

Subject: Donation

You have been awarded $1,200,000.00 by Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience via(paulgal@yandex.com), so I know your email address is valid. For more details Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Allen


Val Bush"

Here is another scam.


Jun 26, 2019 at 7:03 AM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

"From: kate martin <katemartin1900@gmail.com>

Date: June 25, 2019 at 12:17:16 PM AKDT

To: undisclosed-recipients:;








Here is another scam.


Sep 12, 2018 at 5:02 PM by
"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams

Here is another scam:

"You have been awarded $1,200,000.00 by Paul G. Allen Foundation contact for claims

Paul G

All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYERHello


The launch of this internet/mobile donation program came up so as to avoid unsolicited pleas for donations and to avoid the idea of people feeling indebted to him/us. To facilitate the disbursement process of the funds valued at One Million Two Hundred Thousand United State Dollars [$1,200,000 USD] which have been donated solely to you, please provide the below information. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously. I ask you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living of as many people as you can and see the joy and happiness of giving.

Do make sure you reconfirm me with your complete information below so I forward it to my selected payout bank for disbursement.

Full Name:

Contact Address:



Mobile Number:

I am trusting you to make good use of this money. Thank you for accepting this offer, I am indeed grateful. I anticipate your earliest response.

Best regards,

Val Bush, Grants Specialist.


Please bear in mind that Deutsche Bundes Bank have been mandated with the processing, approval and transfer of the grant to your designated bank account, do your best to co-operate with the bank whenever you are contacted and do inform this office when you are contacted by the bank, so that this office will know exactly when your winning prize will be transferred into your account. Kindly contact the bank for instructions of the wire transfer with below contact information:.

Contact Bank Details

Bank Name: Deutsche Bundes Bank

Contact Person: Mr Ian Hale, Regional Director

Email: Cus-Dec-bkDD@accountant.com

Note that upon your contact with Mr Ian Hale, you are to provide him with your Full Details so he can verify you with information sent to him already. Please endeavor to keep us fully informed on all developments with the bank so we can also monitor the transfer process through a feedback from you. Note that there exists a periodic condition on all claims process; therefore you have limited time to claim your grant. Failure to claim your winnings within the stipulated time frame will lead to the forfeiture of your winnings after which your winnings remitted back to Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

Your full cooperation is highly anticipated.


Val Bush, Grants Specialist"


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"Paul G. Allen Family Foundation" Donation Scams