Online users are asked not to contact at 1-855-215-4485 or other telephone numbers for technical support. And, they should also not follow instructions from callers who call them claiming to be technical support representatives from Technicion. This is because is fake technical support website that tricks online users into thinking their computers need to be serviced. And, although the fake website claim they are Microsoft Silver Partner, we couldn't find such information on Microsoft's website.
Technicion's Fraudulent Website

If online users allow the scammers remote access to their computers, the scammers will pretend to work on their computers, install malicious software that will activate at a particular time, which will have the owners of the computers calling the fake technical support for help. This is how Technicion makes their money, by periodically letting their malicious software cause problem on their victims' computers.
The fake technical support website(Technicion) will demand money and threaten to hack online users' computers, lock them out of their computers, or remove all their important data from their computers if online users decide not to pay them. Therefore, online users who gave the scammers from Technicion to access their computers and who are now be threaten, are asked to disable their computer's internet connection by disabling WiFi or unplugging the ethernet cable, and let a trusted family member, friend or local technician check their computers for malicious software that the scammers may have installed.
Online users should never give out their credit card information over the phone to make payment. And, for online users who have already given Technicion their credit card information, are asked to contact their banks for help, to stop the fake website from continuously making fraudulent charges to their credit cards. The bank should be able to cancel the transactions or charges and refund their money.