"Clavin M.James Manager of Mercedes Marketing Manager Group" Facebook Scam

Clavin M.James Manager of Mercedes Marketing Manager Group Facebook Scam

The Mercedes Facebook post below, which claims that Clavin M.James, the manager of Mercedes Marketing Group is giving away 2 Mercedes, is a fake created by scammers. The scammers behind the scam are attempting to trick Facebook users into liking a Facebook page or post, by claiming that they can win a brand new Mercedes Benz. This type of trick is called a like-farming scam, which is used by scammers to trick Facebook users into liking or sharing a Facebook page or post, which will make the same page or post popular.

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Facebook users should not like, share, or comment on Facebook posts or pages, which claim that Clavin James will give them a Mercedes, or any other luxury vehicles. This is because the posts or pages are all like-farming scams.

The "Clavin M.James Mercedes" Facebook Scam

Clavin M.James Manager of Mercedes Marketing Manager Group Facebook Scam

Mercedes Fans

June 24 at 1:22pm ·

My name is Clavin M.James

I am manager sales of Mercedes..

We are giving 2 Mercedes On July 10, 2017

2 Lucky Winners Will Be Announced On July 10 !!

Step 1) Like this post and Fanpage.

Step 2) Share on your wall

Step 3) Comment Win

Good Luck to everyone !

Liking or sharing this post WILL NOT give you a chance to win a Benz becauseMercedes has nothing to do with it.

Scammers have created hundreds of these scams to trick Facebook users into like, sharing or commenting on a Facebook page or post, which will help make the page popular. Once the page is popular, these scammers will sell it to other online marketers, scammers or other cyber criminals, who may send spam to all the persons who have "liked", shared or commented on the Facebook page or post.

Beware of Facebook pages or posts that ask you to share, like or comment on them, in order to receive some form of prize, offer or gift. And, if you have already shared, “liked” or commented on this scam, please click here for instructions on how to remove these Facebook actions. This will help stop this scam from spreading to other Facebook users.

This scam is similar to the following:

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"Clavin M.James Manager of Mercedes Marketing Manager Group" Facebook Scam