"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams

Yahoo Mail Suspended Phishing Scams

Yahoo users, be aware of email messages claiming that your accounts have been suspended. The email messages are phishing scams, therefore, it is advised that recipients of the same email messages delete them and not follow the instructions in them. The email messages contain a link that goes to phishing websites that steal Yahoo usernames and passwords.

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A Sample of the "Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scam

From: Yahoo Mail® <areha1tc@cmich.edu>

Date: May 1, 2017 at 6:03:17 AM CDT

Subject: Mail Suspended!

Yahoo! Mail

Dear Users,

Your Account have not been verified, kindly please Verify Here for verification to avoid account closure.

All files on your yahoo mail including (Inbox, Sent, Spam, Trash, Draft) will be deleted and access to your Yahoo Email address will be Denied.


Yahoo! Services

Yahoo users should never click on a link to sign into their accounts; they should instead, go directly to mail.yahoo.com or yahoo.com and sign-in from there. Once they are signed in, they will be alerted to updates, changes or other important notifications. Going directly to Yahoo’s website to sign into their accounts, will protect Yahoo users from phishing links that go to fake websites that steal usernames and passwords.

Phishing websites steal their visitors’ usernames and passwords by asking them to sign into their accounts on the same fake website. Once visitors to the websites attempt to sign-in, their usernames and passwords (credentials) will be sent to the cybercriminals responsible for the phishing websites. As soon as the cyber criminals receive their potential victims’ usernames and passwords, they will sign into their accounts, hijack and use them fraudulently.

Yahoo users who have been tricked by the phishing scam are asked to change their Yahoo passwords immediately before their accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently.

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Jun. 10, 2019 at 12:23 PM by
"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams

"From: Mail Support <ericaguirre127@hotmail.com>

Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019, 6:53:00 PM GMT 2

Subject: New Security Information About Your Account.

Upgrade to the latest Yahoo Mail to prevent pending emails and get faster email delivery with notifications.


Just one tap away.

Tap to upgrade

Do not ignore this message if not your Yahoo Mail suspended. You’re just a tap away from the upgraded Yahoo Mail app that has faster performance, improved search, personalised news, and weather updates."

Another scam.


May. 22, 2019 at 11:57 AM by
"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded Message -

From: AT&T Yahoo Mail <apachedpj@att.net>

Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019, 9:24:51 AM PDT

Subject: Review Required: 48 Hours Deadline!

Dear Valid User,

Your Mailbox will be suspended from sending or receiving any more messages if your account doesn't review within the 48 hours of this automated email. We're reviewing all users account due to the current system maintenance on our network.


Thanks for using AT&T.

AT&T Service


Oct. 27, 2018 at 8:44 AM by
"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Reading, England, United Kingdom

Received this scam:

"Dear User,

In accordance with our prior notices to you, we are informing you regarding your permanent deactivation status.

You have used up your free storage quota allocated to your account, and you will no longer be able to access and manage your incoming messages and existing emails within 24 hours.

You can, however, extend your current storage size for free for the next 6 months. To extend now, continue below."


Mar. 17, 2018 at 4:09 PM by
"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams

Here is another scam:

"From: Yahoo <D85ZXOZ5-noreply@D85ZXOZ5. info.almazadproperties.com>

Date: March 16, 2018 at 12:02:59 PM MDT

Subject: Something's not right!


Dear (),

Your Email Account will be suspended in a short while as your spam quota has become full.

To clear your spam quota now and avoid suspension, clik here.


Yahoo Team."


Jan. 19, 2018 at 9:58 AM by
"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams

Here is another scam:

- Original message -

From: Yahoo <tcameron@bracemobility.com>

Date: 1/16/18 12:52 PM (GMT-05:00)

Subject: UPDATE!

Dear Valued Customer,

Your Yahoo Account will be suspended in a short while as your spam quota has become full.

Click here to clear your spam quota now and avoid suspension.


(R) 2018 Yahoo All rights reserved.


Dec. 19, 2017 at 5:15 PM by
"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Jacksonville, Florida, United States

When I get a questionable e-mail, I hover the cursor over the link I'm supposed to click on, and in the bottom left of my screen, it will show where the link is sending me. If the e-mail is from yahoo, for instance, it seems to me the link should lead to Yahoo. If it goes anywhere else, like a goo. something, I know to beware. I seldom if ever click on a link in an unknown e-mail anyway. There are some really bad people out there. Be careful!



Nov. 29, 2017 at 5:07 PM by
"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams

Here is another scam:

"From: Service Notifcation <hallao@fioptics.com>

Date: November 29, 2017 at 5:49:01 AM EST

Subject: Important Notification

Your email is no longer able to receive email as it has been suspended due to spam limit policy. Your attention is required to activate your email services below.

Proceed Now -

Thank you.



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"Yahoo Mail Suspended" Phishing Scams