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"GOV.UK Refund Confirmation" HM Revenue & Customs Phishing Email

The email message below with the subject: "GOV.UK Refund Confirmation" is a fake HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) tax refund notification that was sent by scammers, which will attempt to trick taxpayers into completing a fake application form that asks them for their credit card, personal, account information. The recipients are then asked to respond to the same email message with the completed form. Once the scammers have their victims' information, they will use it to rip them off.


Victims of this phishing scam are advised to contact their bank or credit card company as soon as possible to report the stolen credit card information and change their online passwords immediately.

The "GOV.UK Refund Confirmation" Phishing Scam

From: GOV.UK - HM Revenue & Customs -

Sent: 30 April 2017 22:51

Subject: GOV.UK Refund Confirmation

HMRC has issued your refund.

Tax Refund Confirmation

Just to let you know, we've recalculate your fiscal activity from last year , and we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of 786.11 GBP. If you want to claim your tax refund now , you have to complete a required form.

Please note that if you will not complete the refund form now , you will not be able to claim it anymore online.

Refund Summary

Issuing date - 4/30/2017 15:51:35

Expiration date - Monday 1 May 2017

Receiver -

Payment Method - Electronically


A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons , for example submitting invalid information , or applying after the deadline term Monday 1 May 2017.

If you already received this refund email once , please ignore this one , as HMRC will not take in consideration multiple refund requests.

Delivery £0.00

Total: £786.11

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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