"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam

Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary Survey Scam

The Facebook post below which claims that Delta Airlines officially turned 33 or 85 years old, and to celebrate they are giving away free tickets, is another Delta Airlines Facebook survey scam. The scam will attempt to trick potential victims into commenting on it, liking it, sharing it and completing surveys, by claiming that they have to do so in order for a chance of receiving one of the free airline tickets.

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But, the Facebook post is a fake and is not associated with Delta Airlines. It is only a scam to get Facebook users to comment on, "like" or share in order to spread the same scam to other Facebook users. Facebook users who have received the scam on their Facebook Wall or Timeline, are asked to report it to Facebook as spam.

The "Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets Anniversary" Survey Scam

Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate 85th Anniversary Survey Scam

Delta Air Lines is giving 2 Free Tickets to celebrate 33rd / 85th Anniversary!

Get Your Tickets now! and Fly any where!


Always go to the legitimate Delta Airline / Airways Facebook page to verify the authenticity of a promotion before taking part in it. Their Facebook page is located at:

Remember, by liking, commenting on, or sharing the scam, you are only helping to spread it to other Facebook users and making the scammers responsible for this, earn money. Scammers earn money when they make a page popular and are able to sell it to the highest bidder, along with the names and other public information of the persons who liked or shared the scam. I guess the last thing we want to do is to make these scammers rich by tricking you and others into commenting on, liking and sharing a Facebook post or website. So, if you have already liked, commented on, or shared this scam, please unlike, remove your comment and 'unshare' it.

Click here for instructions on how to remove things you have already posted on Facebook. And be careful, because scammers and spammers are tricking Facebook users into commenting on, sharing and liking things on Facebook.

After tricking Facebook users into doing the above-mentioned activities, the scam will then ask them to go to a fake Delta Airways website to complete surveys. The website will ask Facebook users to complete surveys and share the same website in order to stand a chance of receiving free flights for one year, but this is a trick to get you to complete the surveys that the cybercriminals behind this scam will get paid for.

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Jul. 13, 2019 at 2:15 PM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Not sure whether this is the same scam, but I was just called by a man with a very heavy accent, saying he was from Delta. Said he was calling from Lakeland, FL although to my knowledge, Delta does not have an office there. He said my phone number had been selected from the draw/competition (that I never entered) and that I had won a vacation.

There were 2 vacation options available - either flights/hotel to 20 destinations within the US or a slightly longer Carnival Cruise. For the flights/hotel option, he said the flights could be on any airline.

Yet supposedly this was a competition run by Delta. I played along for a while just to waste their time.

They had a number of questions which I answered without giving any true information. They maybe got suspicious because in the end they suddenly cut the call.


Feb. 13, 2018 at 3:35 PM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: London, England, United Kingdom

I have been sent a 85th birthday offer from air France re free tickets via whatsapp. Also they want me to send to 20 friends.


Feb. 5, 2018 at 1:15 PM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Morehead City, North Carolina, United States

How do I cancel. I completed it all except credit card


Feb. 5, 2018 at 1:44 PM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam

If you didn't submit your credit card information you are ok.


Jan. 20, 2018 at 12:05 AM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

Can these people see or have access to my contacts on WhatsApp? Because I received it and sent it to 20 of my contacts. They said that way I will get 2 free tickets. Can they see my contacts information? I am very worried. :-(


Jan. 20, 2018 at 3:07 AM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam

They cannot see or access your contacts unless you have downloaded some malicious app.


Jan. 20, 2018 at 12:02 AM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Sunnyvale, California, United States

I received it via whatsapp and answer 3 questions like would you recommend it, Do you like Delta airlines... something like that. But I was asked to send it to 20 of my friend's and I did :-( I feel so bad about it now. I wish I had this information before. I am worry about what they can do to my friends accounts.


Jan. 20, 2018 at 3:05 AM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam

They will send them the same fake survey.


Jan. 18, 2018 at 1:22 AM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Washington, District of Columbia, United States

I give them my name and phone number also address; finally I didn't confirm I just deleted, so without confirm they tricking me?


Jan. 17, 2018 at 1:01 PM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Upper Merion, Pennsylvania, United States

How to remove scam delta free tickets from WhatsApp.


Jan. 15, 2018 at 4:52 PM by
"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam
an anonymous user from: Pompano Beach, Florida, United States

Delta ticket giveaway is a scam!


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"Delta Airlines is Giving 2 Free Tickets to Celebrate Anniversary" Survey Scam