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"" - It is a Fake Work-From-Home Website

The website: "," which claims members can start earning from home today, is another fake work-from-home website. The website "" is similar to "", "", and other fake work-from-home websites created by cybercriminals. So, do not register with websites like "," because you will only help make the scammers behind the websites rich. And, it doesn't matter how much work you do on the website and how many surveys you complete, you will never get paid. The scammers on the other hand, will take all the money earned by their victims who have done all the work.


The Fake Work-From-Home Website -

Start Earning from Home today!Register Login Start your online Job career today! Register

Hundreds of users of these websites have complained that they are unable to cashout even though they have reached minimum payout threshold. They claimed that they are continuously asked to complete more surveys, which is a trick used by the scammers who own the website, to continue to have their victims generate revenue for them. Remember, the scammers are paid for every survey completed by their victims, but they will never share the money they have earned. These scammers will continue to use the same website under different website names. So, if you stumble upon a website looking like the one above, please do not register or take part in any activity on it.

This fake website is similar to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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