The "No Swearing Campaign" message below, which was allegedly sent by Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, claiming that Facebook has implemented such a campaign to curtail profanity to create a family and friendly network, is a hoax that started in 2014, and has resurfaced. Facebook has made no announcement nor sent any messages about launching such anti-profanity campaign.
The "No Swearing Campaign" Hoax or Fake-News

No Swearing Campain
As of March 20/2014 we at Facebook will be launching a “No Swearing” Campain, Anyone caught using profanity will have their account locked further a pending investigation.
This due to the new laws issued by our legal department (section 182 P34b) as new advertisers have petitioned for a “cleaner” family friendly social network.
If a user continues to use profanity the account will be shut down and a permanent ban will be placed into effect immediately.
- Mark Zuckberg
Facebook has not made any announcement nor sent any messages about launching an anti-profanity campaign that claims users caught swearing on the social media website will have their accounts locked pending further investigation, with repeat offenders having their accounts permanently and immediately shut down. And, what proves that the message was not sent by Facebook is the fact that it has “Campain” spelt incorrectly (correct spelling is “Campaign”) and a lower case “f” is used in “Facebook.” Facebook writes its name with an upper case “F”.
The "No Swearing Campaign" hoax or fake-news started in 2014 and has resurfaced every year after. I think this has been done by pranksters because Facebook users are anxiously waiting for a Profanity Filter for their News Feed or Time-line. But, until then, Facebook users can hide stories in their News Feed or Time-line that they don't want to see. They can hide individual stories or hide all stories from a particular group, app or Page. And, if they see abusive content, they can also report it. Click here for instructions.