DHL e-Notification Virus Email Message

DHL e-Notification Virus Email Message

The email message below with the subject: "DHL e-Notification," is a fake, contains a malicious attachment, and was not sent by DHL. The malicious email message are being sent by cyber-criminals, contains the malicious attachment "DHL_00116839001-pdf.jar," which will infect the computers of the recipients who attempt to open it with a virus, Trojan horse, spyware or some other malware. So, recipients of the same email message should delete it and never attempt to open the malicious attachment it contains.

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It is very important to remember never to open unexpected attachment that has a name ending with “.jar”. Files ending with ".jar" contain Java programming code that can infect a computer or mobile device with a virus or other malware.

A Sample of the DHL e-Notification Virus Email Messages

Subject: DHL e-Notification (Ref:1608/03/00116839001)
Mon 3/13/2017 3:43 AM
Attachment: DHL_00116839001-pdf.jar

Dear customer,

We attempted to deliver your item at 13:50PM on FRI MAR 10th, 2017.

(Read enclosed file detail)

The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the shipping address, so this notify has been automatically sent.

If the parcel is not scheduled for redelivery or picked up within 72 hours of working days, it will be returned to the sender.

Label Number: DB_DHL_00116839001/AD
Expected Delivery Date: MARCH 10th, 2017
Class: Package Services
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation
Status: eNotification sent

Read the enclosed file for details.

Thank you,

DHL Customer Service.

2017 © DHL International GmbH. All rights reserved.

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Sep 10, 2018 at 8:24 AM by
DHL e-Notification Virus Email Message
an anonymous user from: Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Received this scam:

"Ship notification

Dear customer

You can find the notification for:

Your ref: AWB # 001183022803

Dear customer,

Your package arrived on September 8, 2018 at 14:15.

The delivery attempt failed because the recipient's address wrong is. Therefore, this notification has been sent automatically.

If the package is not delivered or picked up within 72 hours shall be, It will be returned to the sender.

Please check the attached file to track details and to plan another Delivery time.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.

Best regards,

Aster Lewandoski


This is an e-mail message from DHL. The in this message Information contained is solely for the natural or the legal person to whom it is addressed. The usage This communication by others is prohibited. If the e-mail accidentally sent to you, please destroy them without them

to read, use, copy or share with others. For Damage to data and / or documents sent by e-mail we assume no liability."


Oct 10, 2017 at 5:26 AM by
DHL e-Notification Virus Email Message
an anonymous user from: Warsaw, Woj. Mazowieckie, Poland

Here is one in Polish (looks like somebody used Google translate):

"DHL/DB0011173902/10/17 (Final Notification)

DrogI Kliencie,

Staralismy sie dostarczyc przesylke o godzinie 13.50 PM w poniedzialek 9 pazdziernika 2017 roku.

(Przeczytaj zalaczony plik szczególowy)

Próba dostawy nie powiodla sie, poniewaz nikt nie byl obecny w zegludze

adres, wiec powiadomienie zostalo wyslane automatycznie.

JeslI paczka nie jest planowana do ponownego dostarczenia lub odebrana w ciagu 72

dnI roboczych, zostanie zwrócony nadawcy.

Numer etykiety: DB_DHL_0011173902 / AD

Oczekiwana data dostarczenia: 9 pazdziernika 2017 r

Klasa: UslugI Pakietowe

Uslugi: Potwierdzenie dostawy

Status: przeslano e-notatke

Przeczytaj szczególowy opis zalaczonego pliku.

Dziekuje Ci,

Biuro ObslugI Klienta DHL.

2017 © DHL International GmbH. Wszelkie prawa zastrzezone.

Ten komunikat zostal zeskanowany pod katem obecnoscI wirusów I niebezpiecznych tresci

MailScanner I uwaza sie, ze sa czyste."


May 8, 2017 at 11:03 PM by
DHL e-Notification Virus Email Message

Here is another malicious email:

"Dear Customer,

We attempted to deliver your item at 09.35 AM on Wed May 04, 2017. (Read enclosed file detail)

The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the shipping

address, so this notify has been automatically sent.

If the parcel is not scheduled for redelivery or picked up within 72

hours, it will be returned to the sender.

Label Number: DHL/00119833

Expected Delivery Date: May 04, 2017

Class: Package Services

Service(s): Delivery Confirmation

Status: eNotification sent

Read the enclosed file for details.

DHL Customer Service. "


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DHL e-Notification Virus Email Message