Parents, there is an online or Internet game that is promoting suicidal behavior and driving underage users, mainly teenagers, to commit suicide. The game is called "Blue Whale," and also goes by the internet hash tags or keywords: #SeaOfWhales, #WhalesSwimUpwards, #WakeMeUpAt420, or #F58 on social media or networking websites.
How does the "Blue Whale" Game Work?
Players sign-up and are assigned an administrator or a curator. The curators give the players tasks to carry out over the course of 50 days, which the players must send proof that they have carried out their tasks. And, at the end of the 50-day period, the players win by committing suicide.
The administrators or curators claim there is no way back, meaning, once players begin the game, they can't leave it. The curators force the players to comply by threatening them. They claim they have the players' information and they will come after them and their family if they try to leave or stop playing the game.
They (curators) then ask the players to carry out each task diligently, and ask them not to tell anyone about it. They will ask them to send them a photo of each task to prove that they have carried it out.
The curators will inform the players that they will help them throughout the game, and will help them die at the end of it. They will then claim the players win if they die, and if they don't win or die, they will continue to help them until they are successful.
Usually, one of the first task given to players is to scratch or cut the word “F58” into their arms.
The Russian authorities have arrested a man called Filip Budeikin, who is currently facing charges for driving at least 15 teenagers to commit suicide. In a disturbing interview with the media outlet, Budeikin admitted the real number is 17 and said his victims “died happy." He said: " I gave them that which they did not have in their real life: warmth, understanding, connection."
Parents, it is important that you monitor your teenagers' online activities carefully and watch for the signs of suicidal behaviors. This is because it seems most of the teenagers who have been tricked into playing the "Blue Whale" game are suicidal or have suicidal thoughts. And, parents who have discovered that their teenagers are playing the game should immediately contact the police or local authorities for help.
Below are some of the tips and warning signs provided by "Youth Suicide Prevention Program", which parents should look out for:
Most suicidal young people don’t really want to die; they just want their pain to end. About 80% of the time, people who kill themselves have given definite signals or talked about suicide. The key to prevention is to know these signs and what to do to help. Watch for these signs. They may indicate someone is thinking about suicide. The more signs you see, the greater the risk:
- A previous suicide attempt
- Current talk of suicide or making a plan
- Strong wish to die or a preoccupation with death
- Giving away prized possessions
- Signs of depression, such as moodiness, hopelessness, withdrawal
- Increased alcohol and/or other drug use
- Hinting at not being around in the future or saying good-bye