Online users, if you have received email messages like the one below, which claim that you are to appear in court, and ask you to open the attachment in order to view details about the case, are asked to delete them. Also, online users should not attempt to open the attachment. This is because the email messages are fakes being sent by cybercriminals, and the attachments they contain are malicious.
The purpose of the fake and malicious email messages is to frighten and trick the recipients into opening the malicious attachment, by claiming they need to appear in court.
The "New Notice to Appear in Court" Virus Email
Subject: New notice to Appear in Court
Date: Wed 15/02/2017 15:42
Attachment: [New notice to Appear].zip
Dear Sir or Madam,
You have to appear in the Court on the February 20 for your case hearing.Please do not forget to bring all the documents related to this case.
Please review all the details in the attachment.
Kind thoughts,
Clerk of Court.
The malicious attachment contains JavaScript code that will attempt to download and install viruses, spyware and other malware onto the recipients' computers, if they attempt to open the Zip or compressed attachment.
Online users who have been tricked by the fake notice to appear in court email messages, into opening the malicious attachment, are asked to do a full-scan of their computers with the antivirus software installed on them.