Recipients of fake "TV Licensing Refund Confirmation" emails like the one below are asked not to click on the link in them. This is because the emails are fakes being sent by cybercriminals who attempting to trick their potential victims into visiting phishing websites that steal credit card information.
A Fake "TV Licensing Refund Confirmation" Email
"TV Licensing, TV Licence
From: TV Licensing
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 1:49 PM
Subject: Refund Confirmation
We would like to notify you that,after the last annual calculation we have determined that you are eligible to receive a TV Licensing refund of 147.07 GBP.
Due to invalid account details records, we were unable to credit your account.
Complete the refund here.
Note : For security reasons, we will record your IP Address, the date and time. Deliberate wrong inputs are criminally pursued.
The official TV Licensing website contains a wealth of information about the TV licence, who needs to pay it and how to pay
The link in the fake email goes to a phishing website that steals credit card information by requesting it in order for the visitors to receive their so-called TV Licensing refund. If the credit information is submitted on the phishing website, it will be sent to the cybercriminals who will use it fraudulently. Therefore, persons who have already been tricked by the scam are asked to contact their banks for help. They should tell their banks that they have unknowingly used their credit card on a phishing website.
Remember, the legitimate TV Licensing website is located at:
So, it is recommended that recipients of emails from TV Licensing Refund Confirmation should ensure that the link in them go to To determine where a link goes, hover your mouse pointer over it. Or, click on the link and ensure the website address in the browser's address bar starts with: