"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams

Claire Hydrafirm Anti-Aging Cream Scams

Online users do not visit or purchase from websites that claim to sell "Claire Hydrafirm" so-called anti-aging creams created by so-called Anna and Samantha Williams from Shark Tank or Dragons' Den. This is because the websites are scams created by online scammers and the so-called Anna and Samantha Williams featured on the fake websites are actually Shelly Hyde and Kara Haught, who have nothing to with the product. Shark Tank or Dragons' Den is a reality television format program featuring entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas in order to secure investment finance from a panel of venture capitalists.

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The Anna and Samantha Williams "Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Website

Anna and Samantha Williams "Claire Hydrafirm"

£4.95 Rejuvenating Cream That Removes The Signs Of Aging Gets Biggest Deal In Dragons' Den History


The Facebook comments on the websites are fakes. The fake comments have been placed on the website to convince potential victims into purchasing the fake weight loss product. And, do not be fooled by the claims that the product was seen by The New York Times, TODAY, StyleWatch and Redbook, this is not true. It is just another trick to convince potential victims into falling for the scam. The scammers may also claim the product is loved by celebrities, but again, this is a lie used to convince potential victims into purchasing the fake product.

Online users, remember, using your credit card on fraudulent websites will allow online scammers to continuously charge it without your consent. Therefore, online users who have been tricked by the scam are asked to contact their banks and have the transactions canceled and their money refunded. They may need to have the bank block further fraudulent transactions or cancel the current credit card and get a new one.

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Sep 20, 2018 at 3:53 AM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Thornton, Victoria, Australia

I'm a pensioner and I've had $580 taken out of my credit card account by these thieves?

I explained that they have taken nearly one months worth of my pension payment,but the person didn't care.

I emailed them and asked,more than once,for them to return my money but they said that I agreed to their terms as I didn't return or let them know that I didn't want the product anymore.

But how can I do that when I didn't see anything about this on the pop up add.

They are a company with morals and I explained that I had moved and didn't receive my bank statement for a few months so I didn't know about the money being taken.

Again they didn't care.

What annoys me even more is that they say they are connected with channel 10 in Melbourne. That's what attracted me in the first place.I emailed channel 10 and they dont even care.

All these big company think there sh*t doesn't Stink but beware of karma!

Last time I looked we are all going to the same place in the end so isn't it better to leave something good behind when we are gone?


Sep 18, 2018 at 2:29 PM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Orangeville, Ontario, Canada

we will be zapping these scammers starting 1 oct


Sep 16, 2018 at 11:13 PM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Thornton, Victoria, Australia

They are a disgusting people, they have taken $580.76 from my account. I have only found out today that this was done as I have moved and didn't receive my credit card statement until today.

I'm a pensioner and can't afford this type of bulls**t in my life.

I hope that someone can do something to stop these people. The amount taken is a months payment from my pension I hope they choke.


Sep 14, 2018 at 12:03 AM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I accepted to pay 40,90 for them to sending a Trial sample.They deducted 260 from my card. I call them,but they did not returned my money.

I asked to give my money back, still not returned the money. NEVER again I will accept them. This I think is a SCAM


Sep 2, 2018 at 8:23 PM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Does anyone have their phone number so I can contact them.


Aug 13, 2018 at 7:08 PM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I am trying to get my money back, they have taken $141 out of my account and I haven't even received my trail cream; be careful, please its a lot of money to loose. I will update my progress.


Jul 19, 2018 at 1:52 AM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I too was scammed by this company.

It is fraud and illegal, I wish we could sue, but they are very sly and cover their butts with all sorts of words and disclaimer tripe. SHUT THEM DOWN. PLEASE. And product is rubbish.


Jul 11, 2018 at 6:39 PM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Agree, be very wary.

I did order the product, which arrived and actually seems a decent cream, but noticed two additional charges on my credit card statement from HELPCSCARE.COM and VPLUSHELPDESK.COM

Immediately contacted my bank and cancelled the credit cards and fortunately was able to have the amount credited back to the card. Lesson learned and feel lucky to have dodged it.


Jul 7, 2018 at 8:07 PM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

This was a close call for me too with Hydra Claire creams. I rang my bank and cancelled my debit card. My order was for a cream and a syrum, one came up on statement as SVITASUPPORT.COM the other one came up as SERVICEDESKKN.COM. My advice is to be very wary.


Jul 13, 2018 at 10:47 PM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

This was a close call for me too but don't know how to handle this problem when first cream and serum arrives, I tried to cancel free trial order but was unable to, am I able to refuse collection when it is delivered to me as I do not want to have to pay to send it back? Also, have had my bank cancel my debit card.


Aug 3, 2018 at 5:21 AM by
"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams
an anonymous user from: Ulverstone, Tasmania, Australia

Ive done the same as you did. I have cancelled my card however ibalso rang the phone number sent on the confirmation email from Hydra Claire. It was in Singapore.

I told him to cancel my order placed an hour ago. Hecsaid too late its been sent. I said ill just return to sender unopened.

He said dont do that, it wont go to the right address. So I said, tough luck, you have now been reported to the Australian fraud Squad. I hung up in his ear!


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"Claire Hydrafirm" Anti-Aging Cream Scams