"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"

I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed

Be aware of fake-news websites that have published the article "I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed." The article (see below) is a fake because the man in it which they claim is Bill Oxley, a 79-year-old retired officer of the CIA who allegedly killed Bob Marley, is actually a photo model who works for a Polish microstock photography company. Please remember that not everything that you read on the internet is true. That is why it is important to check with reputable or popular news websites first.

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The Fake "I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed" Article

The 79-year-old retired officer of the CIA, Bill Oxley

A 79-year-old retired officer of the CIA, Bill Oxley, has made a series of stunning confessions since he was admitted to the Mercy Hospital in Maine on Monday and told he has weeks to live. He claims he committed 17 assassinations for the American government between 1974 and 1985, including the music icon Bob Marley.

Mr. Oxley, who worked for the CIA for 29 years as an operative with top-level security clearances, claims he was often used as a hitman by the organization, to assassinate individuals who could represent a threat to the goals of the agency.

Trained as a sniper and marksman, Mr. Oxley also has significant experience with more unconventional methods of inflicting harm upon others, like poisons, explosives, induced heart attacks and cancer.

The 79-year-old operative claims he committed the assassinations between March 1974 and August 1985, at a time when he says the CIA “was a law unto itself.” He says he was part of an operative cell of three members which carried out political assassinations across the country and occasionally in foreign countries.

The man in the article's photo is a Polish citizen who’s a stock photo model, not Mr. Oxley who they claim killed Bob Marley. The same photo was taken by Kataryzna Bialasiewicz. More photos from this same shoot are available here. The model also does other stock photo work for a Polish microstock photography company.

Here are some more photos of the stock photo model:

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The reggae icon passed away in 1981 – here are all the details of his death.

In 1976 Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt by three gunmen at his home in Hope Road in Jamaica; just five years later he was taken down by a malignant melanoma originating in his toe. As with many music star deaths, Marley’s passing has been shrouded in mystery, unanswered questions, and conspiracy theories, but what actually happened?

Where and when did Bob Marley die?

Marley died at the Cedars Of Lebanon Hospital in Miami on May 11, 1981.

What was the cause of Marley’s death?

Marley died from an acral lentiginous melanoma, a form of skin cancer which had been diagnosed in 1977, spreading from under a nail of his toe.

How had his disease spread?

Bob first discovered the melanoma during a game of football in 1977, when a foot injury seemed unusually bad, and worsened over time. When doctors discovered the cancer, he was advised to have his toe amputated, but refused as his Rastafarian faith considers it a sin to have a part of the body ‘temple’ removed. He did consent to a skin graft but this didn’t stop the disease spreading throughout his body by the summer of 1980.

Having collapsed while jogging in Central Park during his final tour, Marley played his last ever gig in Pittsburgh in September 1980 before cancelling all remaining live dates and flying to Germany for a controversial diet-based treatment under Josef Issels. After eight months the treatment proved unsuccessful, and Marley boarded a plane home to Jamaica. On the flight his condition worsened and he was rushed to hospital on arrival in Miami, where he died on May 11, 1981.

Are there any conspiracy theories surrounding Bob Marley’s death?

The most prevalent theory is that, due to his growing political stature in Jamaica, Marley was murdered by the CIA. It’s suggested that they were behind the attempted assassination at Hope Road and, having failed to kill him, went about more surreptitious means to see him off. It’s said that Carl Colby, the son of late CIA director William Colby, later gave Marley a pair of boots and, when Bob tried them on, a radioactive copper wire inside pricked his toe, causing the cancer. There are also stories that Issels was an ex-SS officer working with the CIA to poison Marley.

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Apr. 14, 2020 at 10:00 AM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium

It does not take away the fact that bob was murdered


Aug. 27, 2018 at 6:05 PM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Lagos, Nigeria

It is an open secret that the CIA engages in covert operations during which they do terrible things including killing people. If it is true that the CIA killed many political dissenters like Che Guevara and also made various clandestine attempts to kill Fidel Castro, would it have made any difference if truly they caused Marley's death? But assuming that they engineered his death, at what point did the innocent Marley became a problem to the US government? Are there true facts to prove that Marley posed any threats that warrant his killing?

In reality and truth, was there ever a CIA agent who answered the name, Bill Oxley? Is there actually a Mercy Hospital in Maine whose staff can help us solve this puzzle? Is onlinethreatalerts.com an impartial umpire or a CIA biased defender?


Dec. 30, 2017 at 4:20 PM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Fort Sill Indian School Reservation, Oklahoma, United States

And I wish you guys would have credited me, at least as a reader. I really spent time hunting down that information about the stock photo model. @shaolindabaptst


Dec. 4, 2017 at 10:28 AM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Lagos, Nigeria

Sure no smoke with fire, the cancer started from the toes. It must be through the gift of cancer shoe given to him.


Dec. 4, 2017 at 3:07 AM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Nairobi, Kenya

The photo may not be of Bill Oxley but truth be told Bob Marley was killed and everything was planned well by CIA and US government of the day. This to them was a war against Blackman and raise of the oppressed against the oppressor.


Dec. 3, 2017 at 11:54 PM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Lagos, Nigeria

Regardless of the various storyline perspective, there were strong indications that the death of Bob Marley was masterminded by external factors which are largely linked to the CIA operation. Even though the truth is micromanaged today, someday it must be unveiled for history and posterity sake.


Dec. 3, 2017 at 2:16 PM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

So what if the pictures of Oxley are not real. I'm would not be surprised if the story he tells IS. It's weird how the above article was published so fast. Seems like someone REALLY wanted to get out in front of this to try to make people go "OH IT'S NOT REAL" with that big attention-grabbing headline - Fake news. The pictures may not be of Oxley but that DOESN'T mean that the article/story itself is fake. The amount of c**p the government does AND gets away with is ASTONISHING! The Clintons! Obama & Michael? The Bush administration -9/11! Boston, Vegas, Texas, HAARP! the list goes on and on and on...


Dec. 3, 2017 at 12:16 PM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana

CIA is a complete misfortune to black mankind. You killed the man Bob Marley and when we got to know of it, you try creating a fuse. You made away Kwame Nkrumah, you killed Martin Luther King, you terminated GaddafI and now you are trying to create a fuse. You headless humans!


Dec. 3, 2017 at 10:49 AM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana

Was he killed or he died naturally? If he was killed, who did it and how was it carried out?


Dec. 3, 2017 at 10:25 AM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Lagos, Nigeria

If the old man in the picture

is not the former CIA agent, let the world see the real Mr Oxley, the agent. Bob Marley fans will like know where the said Mr Oxley serve and his bit during those period.


Dec. 3, 2017 at 6:18 AM by
"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"
an anonymous user from: Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa

The man in the picture might not the one but the story sounds the same, with different characters, why?


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"I Killed Bob Marley - CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed"