Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam

Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam

The email message below, which claims that Netflix is having trouble authorizing the recipients' credit cards and ask them to update their payment method, is a phishing scam. The fake Netflix email message was sent by cybercriminals, to frighten Netflix users into sending their personal information, credit card information and other sensitive information that the cybercriminals need in order to rip-off their victims. Recipients of the fake Netflix email message are asked to delete it, and should never follow the instructions in it.

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The "Netflix Update Your Payment Method" Phishing Scam


Date: 9 November 2017 at 12:36:50 GMT

Subject: Alert : High Priority Message


Please Update Your Payment Method


Sorry for the interruption, but we are having trouble authorising your Credit Card.

Please visit to enter your payment information again or to use a different payment method. When you have finished, we will try to verify your account again. If it still does not work. you will want to contact your credit card company.

If you have any questions, we are happy to help. Simply call us at any time on 0800 096 6380.

-The Netflix Team

Recipients who were tricked by the phishing Netflix email message should change their Netflix passwords immediately, and if they are unable to do so, they should contact Netflix. They should also let their banks know that their credit card information was stolen by cybercriminals, before the credit cards are used fraudulently.

In order to protect against phishing scams, Netflix users should never click on a link to sign into their accounts, or open and complete attached forms that request account credentials, personal and financial users should instead, go directly to, and update their information or carry out other tasks on their accounts.

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Jan. 11, 2021 at 5:25 AM by
Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam

"From: service support

Sent: Monday, 11 January 2021, 12:16:58 pm ACDT

Subject: Membership cancelation

We'd love to have you back!


We are having some trouble authorizing your last payment,

you must renew your membership by paying your last invoice.

please make sure your billing details is up to date to avoid service interruption

Update now

Need help? We’re here if you need it. Visit the Help Center or contact us now."

Here is another scam.


Nov. 13, 2019 at 1:51 PM by
Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam

-Original Message-

"From: netfƖỉx.corn <>

Sent: Tue, Nov 12, 2019 7:45 pm

Subject: Rе: Рɑуment Aѕѕỉѕtɑnᴄe: Wе hаνеn't Ьееn аuthοгіzеd tο сhагgе уοuг сагd, wοuld уοu lіке tο геtгу уοuг сагd? • [AZ_890364]

Your current status to continue watch for next month is on hold. Please try to corrrect your card information.

Logo NetfIix LLC

[!] Your ѕubѕсгірtіοn status is on hоƖɗ

Update your card information

We're having troubIe to continue your AnnuaI Monthly Subscription(#email) for November. Would you like to retry your card?



Another scam.

Need Support? Visit ΗeƖр Centeг or caII us.

— Your friends at NZTJmhbVeTzcPxllq2tfI4683739i8Os1ZZEvxkFx


Oct. 11, 2019 at 7:49 PM by
Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"RE:[ Membership Not Paid ] Payment Not Received - Your Primary Card Decline Charge for October Subscription. Booking Code: 321i

Netflix <>

Fri 10/11/2019 4:43 PM


Reminder : Update Payment Method

We couldn't update your October Membership. We are having some trouble with your current card. Would you like to update or retry your payment Methode?



We're here to help if you need it. Visit the Help Center for more info or contact us.

–Your friends at Netflix



Oct. 5, 2019 at 7:04 AM by
Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"[ INVOICE 02739174 ] Your Current Payment Method Decline charge for October Subscription #MA7210J76EW67A96I7A

Netflix <>

Fri 10/4/2019 7:46 PM


Reminder : Update Payment Method

We couldn't update your October Membership. We are having some trouble with your current card. Would you like to update or retry your payment Methode?



We're here to help if you need it. Visit the Help Center for more info or contact us.

–Your friends at Netflix"


Jul. 7, 2018 at 3:53 PM by
Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam
an anonymous user from: Southfield, Michigan, United States

Received a scam regarding Netflix today.


Mar. 21, 2018 at 10:40 AM by
Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam

Here is another scam:

"De: Netflix <>

Enviado: sábado, 17 de marzo de 2018 03:55 p. m.

Asunto: Prօblеmas сօո tս membrеsíа ԁе Νetflix


Actualiza tu forma de pago

Lamentamos la interrupción, pero tenemos problemas para autorizar tu forma de pago. Visita la página de pago de la cuenta para introducir tu información de pago otra vez o para usar una forma de pago distinta. Cuando hayas terminado, intentaremos verificar tu cuenta nuevamente. Si no funciona, comunícate con la empresa emisora de tu tarjeta de crédito.

Ingresa a tu cuenta

Comenzar tu mes gratis

¿Preguntas? Llama al 0-800-78167"


From: Netflix <>

Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2018 03:55 p. m.

Subject: Pr օ blеmas с օո t ս membrеsíа ԁе Νetflix


Update your payment method

We regret the interruption, but we have problems to authorize your payment method. Visit the account payment page to enter your payment information again or to use a different payment method. When you are finished, we will try to verify your account again. If it does not work, contact the issuing company of your credit card.

Log in to your account

Start your month for free

Questions? Call 0-800-78167


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Netflix Update Your Payment Method Phishing Scam