The Facebook post below, which claims that 3 lucky winners will receive an amazing house from a Facebook account with the name "Obama Christmas Gifts," is a Facebook like-farming scam. The scam has been created by cyber-criminals to trick Facebook users into commenting on it, liking it and sharing it, by claiming that they have a chance of winning the so-called house that is being given away.
If you have received the same post on your Facebook Wall or Timeline, please report it as spam or delete it.
The "Obama Christmas Gifts Amazing House Facebook Giveaway" Scam

Obama Christmas Gifts
We Are Giving Away This Amazing House And Lot to 3 Lucky Fans This Christmas All You Need To Do Is
1. Like This Page.
2. Comment "WON"
3. Share This Post
Winner Will Be Announced 25th Of December 2017
Remember, by liking, commenting on and sharing the scam, you are only helping to spread it to other Facebook users and making the scammers responsible for this, earn money. Scammers earn money when they make a page popular and are able to sell it to the highest bidder, along with the names and other public information of the persons who liked or shared the scam.
I guess the last thing we want to do is to make these scammers rich by tricking you and others into commenting on, liking and sharing a Facebook post or website. So, if you have already liked, commented on, or shared this scam, please unlike, remove your comment and 'unshare' it. Click here for instructions on how to remove things you have already posted on Facebook. And be careful, because scammers and spammers are tricking Facebook users into commenting on, sharing and liking things on Facebook.