"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams

Google Gmail Account Removal Request Phishing Scams

Google users who have received emails like the one below, which claim that their requests to remove their accounts from Gmail servers have been approved, are asked to delete them because they are phishing scams. The fake email messages are being sent by cybercriminals to steal Google usernames and passwords, by tricking Gmail users into visiting a phishing website that steals email account credentials.

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A Sample of the "Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scam

From: The Google Accounts <info@linguee.de>

Date: Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 10:43 AM

Subject: Your account will be deactivated


This is to inform you that your request on: 10/30/2017 9:20:14 p.m. to remove your account from gmail.com server has been approved and will initiate in one hour from the exact time you open this message.


ignore this message to continue with email removal or

If this deactivation was not requested by you

Please reply us.



The link in the phishing email message goes to a fake or phishing Gmail website, which will attempt to trick the potential victims into entering their usernames and passwords on it. If Gmail users attempt to sign into the phishing website with their usernames and passwords, it will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the email scam, who will use the information to hijack their accounts. The hijacked Gmail accounts will then be used by cybercriminals fraudulently.

Remember, if you receive email messages like these, please go directly to your email account instead of clicking on the links in the email messages. If there is anything wrong with your account, it will be shown to you after signing in. And, if you were tricked by one of these phishing scams, please change your password immediately before your Gmail account is hijacked. If your account has already been hijacked, click here for help regaining access to it.

This scam is similar to the following:

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Sep. 5, 2018 at 10:43 AM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams

Here's a phishing account.

- Forwarded message -

From: The GoogIe Accounts <admin@wadiri.damheight.com>

Date: Wed, Sep 5, 2018, 9:07 AM

Subject: Your account will be deactivated


This is to inform you that your request on: 09/04/2018 2:37:40 p.m. to remove your account

from gmail.com server has been approved and will initiate in one hour from the exact time you

open this message.


ignore this message to continue with email removal or

If this deactivation was not requested by you

Please reply us.




Apr. 4, 2018 at 11:49 AM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

What do they get when you reply?


Apr. 4, 2018 at 1:34 PM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams

They will know that your email account is active, and will continue to send your more fake and phishing emails, hoping you click on the links in the same email that go to their phishing websites that steal account credentials.


Feb. 26, 2018 at 11:04 PM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Los Angeles, California, United States

I am grateful. it now i know what happened. I've received 3 texts telling me that my Gmail accounts would be deactivation. I replied that I didn't request this action. Fortunately my account has remained unchanged. Thank you GOD.


Feb. 22, 2018 at 3:24 PM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Bedminster, New Jersey, United States

received an email that I requested to delete my Gmail; no I didn't but why can't u call Google or find a number to them before people who maybe don't know better get screwed Google?


Feb. 11, 2018 at 8:01 AM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams
an anonymous user from: Liverpool, England, United Kingdom

The first time I had this email I knew it was a scam but out of (foolish!) curiosity I tried clicking on the link but it didn't seem to be 'live' and nothing happened.

However, I received the same message today and again clicked on the link. This time a gmail answer window came up but I couldn't see any further 'instructions'. called away to something else I left it open but deleted everything on my return.

Now for the punch line: Although I could fetch up an initial internet window on my (firefox) browser no matter how many times I tried it would go no further so maybe the browser had been corrupted! A system restore brought everything back to normal thank goodness.

"Where angels fear to tread", eh?


Feb. 6, 2018 at 12:11 PM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams

Here is another scam:

"From: The GoogIe-Accounts <info@YvQtYxCW.atl21.daizip.net>

Date: February 6, 2018 at 2:45:21 AM PST

Subject: Your Account is being Terminated Ticket ID [CASE:GMMp087935]

Reply-To: <infomationtech@tassupply.net>

Reply-To: <Voxemail@vox.com>

Reply-To: <Vtr@vrt.be>

Reply-To: <Gdml@reallygoodemails.com>

Reply-To: <Ubi@viidii.info>


This is to inform you that your request on: ​​2018-02-06​ ​05-45-20​ p.m. ​ to remove your account from Gmail Servers has been approved and will initiate in one hour from the exact time you open this message.

Ignore this message to continue with email removal or

If this deactivation was not requested by you Please reply to this mail directly without altering the subject.



NOTE: If You Receive This Message In Your Junk or Spam Its Due to Your Internet Provider."


Feb. 2, 2018 at 9:02 AM by
"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded message -

From: "The GoogIe-Accounts" <info@wcirlmcn.daizip.net>

Date: Feb 1, 2018 9:15 AM

Subject: Your Account is being Terminated Ticket ID [CASE:GME0412201701382]


This is to inform you that your request on: ​​2018-02-01​ ​09-15-07​ p.m. ​ to remove your account from Gmail Servers has been approved and will initiate in one hour from the exact time you open this message.

Ignore this message to continue with email removal or

If this deactivation was not requested by you Please reply to this mail directly without altering the subject.



NOTE: If You Receive This Message In Your Junk or Spam Its Due to Your Internet Provider.


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"Google Gmail Account Removal Request" Phishing Scams