So, never send your personal information to anyone in an email message or send money to someone who contacted you via an unsolicited email message.
From: Minister Idriss <"WWW.">
Date: September 30, 2017 at 3:33:00 PM MST
Reply-To: Mr Eric Terri <>
This is to bring to your notice that I, MINISTER IDRISS DAOUDA have been delegated from the United Nations and UNITED BANK OF AFRICA to pay 100 Africa 419 scam victims $10.8 Million each, you are listed and approved for this payments as one of the scammed victims,get back to us as soon as possible for the immediate payments of your $10.8 Million compensations funds.
On this faithful recommendations, I want you to know that during the last UN meetings held at Porto Novo,Capital Of Benin Republic,it was alarmed so much by the rest of the world in the meetings on the lose of funds by various foreigners to the scams artists operating in syndicates all over the world today,in other to retain the good image of Africa,the president of the UNITED NATION is now paying 100 victims of this operators $10.8 Million USD each,Due to the corrupt and inefficient banking systems in Africa,the payments are to be paid by UNITED BANK OF AFRICA as corresponding paying bank under funding assistance by the National Westminster bank London.
According to the number of applicants at hand,56 beneficiaries has been paid,half of the victims are from the United States and Asia,we still have more 44 left to be paid the compensations of $10.8 Million each. Your particulars was mentioned by one of the syndicates who was arrested in Africa as one of their victims of the operations,you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to them for any reason what so ever,the US secret service is already on trace of the
criminal,You can receive your compensations payments via ATM CARD PAYMENT WITH CODE: 06654 $10.8 Million USD
Furthermore you are advice to reconfirm your
Full name.................
Billing address...........
Direct contact telephone number...........
to the Managing Director of Swift Card Consultant Payment Center for the certified ATM Card, the contact information is as follows:
Minister Eric Terri
TEL PHONE: +229-98810089