"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam

Professional Whos Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee Scam

Scammers and spammers are sending fake and phishing email messages like the one below, which claim the recipients have been nominated to represent their professional community in the Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition. The fake email messages have been created to trick the recipients into sending the scammers their personal information, and subsequently, their money. Also, the links in the email messages may go to spam websites that will attempt to trick visitors into buying fake products or services, and phishing websites that steal online account credentials.

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The "Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam

From: "Nomination Committee" <39ad4f5048624148@bravoautos.com>

Date: October 20, 2017 at 7:29:55 PM PDT

Subject: Your Nomination

Dear Candidate,

You have been nominated to represent your professional community in the Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition. The largest online community of professionals.

We are very pleased to inform you that your candidacy has been approved. Congratulations!

The Publishing Committee has selected you as a potential candidate, based on your standing amongst your professional community as well as specific criteria from the executive and professional council. Given your reputation, the Publishing Director feels your profile would make a welcome addition to our publication.

Since we are using our secondary resources, you must verify with us that your current profile is accurate. After your information is verified, your online listing will be approved within 7 business days.

Please click here to verify your profile and to formally accept the candidacy.

On behalf of our Committee I would like to salute your achievements and welcome you to our association.

Deepest Regards,

Nomination Committee

626 RXR Plaza Uniondale, NY 11556

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Dec. 7, 2018 at 9:25 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam
an anonymous user from: Washington D.C., District of Columbia, United States

I was nominated several years ago for Who's Who in Nursing. It was completely legit with photo's, certificate with seal, printed bio, etc. When I received the email/call, I found it suspicious that I was being asked to pay such a considerable amount. I'm glad I waited and checked the web about the company. They should be ashamed.


Apr. 24, 2018 at 11:52 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam
an anonymous user from: Bedminster, New Jersey, United States

I just received this email and I knew it was garbage. Just once I would like to get an email with awesome news or exciting opportunities and it be real. The real question is if I ever do get one will I know it when I see it! The internet has literally become The Boy Who Cried Wolf!


Apr. 4, 2018 at 10:22 PM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam
an anonymous user from: Weare, New Hampshire, United States

Got an email just like this today, was wondering what this whole thing is really about and a simple google search has made it clear it's a scam. Thanks for the heads up.


Mar. 29, 2018 at 10:31 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam
an anonymous user from: Bloomington, Illinois, United States

Just received an email today for that.


Mar. 26, 2018 at 7:07 PM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam
an anonymous user from: Dearborn, Michigan, United States

Just got one for 2018


Mar. 28, 2018 at 3:35 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam
an anonymous user from: Lebanon, Pennsylvania, United States

Just got one for 2018 and I just delete it.


Jan. 9, 2018 at 6:44 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam

Here is another scam:

- Original Message -

From: Ρrоfеsѕⅰοոaӏ-Ԝhos‐Ԝհο

To: Maria L Grace

Sent: January 4, 2018 at 11:45 AM

Subject: Yοu'ⅴе Βeеո Αϲᴄеptеⅾ by Profesѕіᴏnaӏ Wհο's Ԝһo


Dec. 28, 2017 at 6:51 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: "JohnD'Addario" <2a263104a9abf8bfc9a5131a5@bucklayton.com>

Date: December 27, 2017 at 12:12:25 PM CST

Subject: Your Nomination


You have been nominated to represent your professional community in the Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition. The largest online community of professionals.

We are very pleased to inform you that your candidacy has been approved. Congratulations!

The Publishing Committee has selected you as a potential candidate, based on your standing amongst your professional community as well as specific criteria from the executive and professional council. Given your reputation, the Publishing Director feels your profile would make a welcome addition to our publication.

Since we are using our secondary resources, you must verify with us that your current profile is accurate. After your information is verified, your online listing will be approved within 7 business days.

Please click here to verify your profile and to formally accept the candidacy.

On behalf of our Committee I would like to salute your achievements and welcome you to our association.

Deepest Regards,

Nomination Committee

626 RXR Plaza Uniondale, NY 11556

to disocontinue notifications, click here"


Dec. 21, 2017 at 6:08 PM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam
an anonymous user from: Oakland, California, United States


Received this one. And found a lot of hidden text in the footer. (White text on a white background)

"Dear ***,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you may qualify for inclusion in the 2017 Professional Who's Who Network.

Professional Who's Who is one of the largest communities of accomplished professionals in every industry and profession worldwide. We provide an exclusive on-line networking forum which allows our members to connect with other professionals to achieve personal growth and career opportunities.


Visit the link above to get started in networking with like-minded professionals. Submit your registration form today to be highlighted among our thousands of distinguished professionals.


Membership Division

Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals


The above is an advertisement sent by Executive Leads Inc. 626 RXR Plaza Uniondale, NY 11556

If you wish to unsubscribe from all future Executive Leads mailings, please go Here

© 2016 Professional Who's Who, Inc. All rights reserved

(Hidden text Footer White on white)

Invitation to Professional Business Network

pleasant company for you. I hope you will be happy with us, my dear, and Just before her death, again, she expressed a wish that one of stood a small copper kettle on the fire. "thrown a rope"; and long after I had gone to bed I could not to speak loud. For the same reason too. Lucilla was in the house- that my time is near." A month before her death she took out of The concealment of the Count's real name showed Andre that the visit outline; studiously reserved in appliance of shadow, as a thing sewing-class. Ruth is at school, but we will all meet at luncheon which is not be said to be alarmed in the least, only excited. Clavigera, February, 1877.]-but vine properly the masculine joy); and The sergeant-major shook hands, and taking the proffered seat by the business. He said to tell you he would be home to-night, and he sent me she might have done them, and requested the priest to send us an antimacassar. anything better, and I was thrilled with apprehension there could be no doubt of it. He got up from his chair, with a quick "But why FOUR pounds?" she objected as she weighed the sugar on Sabine would be inevitably lost. On her account he acted with a that in all cases the sculptor works the moulding _with_ his own With an apologetic smile she hastened away, and Patty waited again. Id advise you to do so, for your future peace of mind, if nothing tent. This is assuredly painters work, not mere sculptors. I have no doubt but I warn you of the consequences. Mr. Fleming kept on talking for some time after this, when suddenly it Scarcely more than a year after Mamma's death dropsy showed the old man. What was that you started telling me the other day about a in his irregularities that he could always tell the time through the open door. Need I tell you what happened next? she quieted it: "Enough, enough! I know without thy telling me friendly or hostile? "I am a great admirer of paintings," bega n the Co unt, "and one of my precious and local-look at it above the puppys head, and under the to-morrow, so I'll let you form your own opinion." when his mind reverted to the mothers of the two boys. the living form without one touch of chisel for hair, or incision for The sergeant-major shook hands, and taking the proffered seat by the

To change your preferences view here

11407 SW Amu St. Attn: 4260 Tualatin, OR 97062"


Dec. 15, 2017 at 8:55 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: "Members_Info" <537cd046acfca52b6b8ba7712@cs.nmsu.edu>

Date: December 14, 2017 at 20:07:47 EST

Subject: Your Nomination


You have been nominated to represent your professional community in the Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition. The largest online community of professionals.

We are very pleased to inform you that your candidacy has been approved. Congratulations!

The Publishing Committee has selected you as a potential candidate, based on your standing amongst your professional community as well as specific criteria from the executive and professional council. Given your reputation, the Publishing Director feels your profile would make a welcome addition to our publication.

Since we are using our secondary resources, you must verify with us that your current profile is accurate. After your information is verified, your online listing will be approved within 7 business days.

Please click here to verify your profile and to formally accept the candidacy.

On behalf of our Committee I would like to salute your achievements and welcome you to our association.

Deepest Regards,

Nomination Committee"


Nov. 21, 2017 at 11:47 AM by
"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam

Here is another scam:

-Original Message-

"From: Registry <d830341a5ba8eaf950088dad@frizzeraink.com>

Sent: Sun, Nov 19, 2017 7:37 am

Subject: Your Nomination


You have been nominated to represent your professional community in the Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition. The largest online community of professionals.

We are very pleased to inform you that your candidacy has been approved. Congratulations!

The Publishing Committee has selected you as a potential candidate, based on your standing amongst your professional community as well as specific criteria from the executive and professional council. Given your reputation, the Publishing Director feels your profile would make a welcome addition to our publication.

Since we are using our secondary resources, you must verify with us that your current profile is accurate. After your information is verified, your online listing will be approved within 7 business days.

Please click here to verify your profile and to formally accept the candidacy.

On behalf of our Committee I would like to salute your achievements and welcome you to our association.

Deepest Regards,

Nomination Committee"


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"Professional Who's Who 2017 Edition Nomination Committee" Scam