Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?

Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?

Geeker located at is a fraudulent content streaming website. The website which claims it is your best option to keep yourself entertained for hours because you will be able to find movies, music, and books to suit whatever mood you are in, is similar to the fraudulent websites: and Online users who have used their credit cards on the fraudulent website, run the risk of their cards being fraudulently charged for undetermined amounts, even when they have canceled their subscriptions. Therefore, do not even think about contacting their customer support or service.

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Geeker at

I have tried the website and it keeps charging my credit card, even though I have canceled my subscription before the trial period ended. And, the website doesn't have some movies, books, and music it has advertised. I think this is another trick used to lure potential victims to the website.

Another reason I don’t trust is because of the fake “VeriSign Secured” seal or logo.

The Fake VeriSign Secured Seal or Logo

VeriSign Secured  Seals or Logos

The security and trusted seal/logo on the website’s page that asks for credit card information is not clickable, which means it is a fake. Legitimate trusted seals or logos should be clickable because this allows visitors to the same website to view the legitimacy of the seals or logos. Once visitors click on the seals, it should take them to VeriSign website, where they will be provided with information about the same website.

Online users who have already subscribed to services on are asked to contact their credit card company or bank for help to prevent the fraudulent website from fraudulently charging their credit cards, or refund their money if their cards were already charged.

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Jul. 1, 2020 at 4:50 PM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada

Philip keezer runs this website. Montreal based from company actionmediamtl and


Dec. 15, 2018 at 2:40 PM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Long Beach, California, United States

There are just so so many fraudulent "tech/help" sites on line it's not advisable to trust Google's tele#s.

To be safe go to your computer's site (ex. Apple, Google/Chrome, etc.) & ask them directly.

Also, beware of VIZTECH - it's a parent company to many of these scammers.


Nov. 24, 2018 at 5:10 PM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago

Hi, I'm from trinidad, for the past four years I've been charged us$55.95 every month by on my credit card which I never authorise or sign up for.

I taught it was bank charges when I saw it and never took it on until 11.11.2018 when I never used my card and was charged by for nothing.

F**king fake. I hope my bank can shut them down and recover all my money lost.


May. 22, 2018 at 6:56 PM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Thief’s, thief’s, thief’s, my bank called me today and they have attempted have attempted to debit my account 5 tines. Luckily, my bank declined it every time. My bank will not allow transactions that come from other countries.

No bank should allow that without contacting the person first.

Especially if it comes from a Great Britain, which is the number one country for fraudulent activity. Geeker is a fraudulent sting out of Great Britain.


Feb. 18, 2018 at 3:11 AM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

They've charged me €19.95 for 11 months. Because it was done via paypal there was no way I could have traced where it came from. Contacted my bank and they are gonna send a request to the site where they have to prove that the charges were correct. They have 60 days to respond and if they respond incorrectly or don't respond at all I will get my money back.


Feb. 17, 2018 at 7:48 AM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Milan, Lombardy, Italy

ho scoperto che da 4 mesI sI stanno prendendo dalla mia post pay 42.95 euro come posso fare per sospendere e chiedere il rimborso?


I discovered that from 4 months I am taking from my post pay 42.95 euros how can I do to suspend and ask for a refund?


Feb. 17, 2018 at 10:14 AM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?

Contact your bank for help.


Dec. 14, 2017 at 6:38 PM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: San Diego, California, United States

Similar to the person from Minnesota has been taking $29.95 from my account for months. Fortunately, my bank (Chase) called me as they had heard that this site was a scam site. Unfortunately, I'm out several hundred dollars as they've been taking that amount monthly for the past 5 months. I've never even gone to their site, nor heard of them. I have no idea how they gained access to my credit card account.


Nov. 6, 2017 at 1:32 PM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I have never even heard of this site until I noticed the withdrawals, stating from Jan.2017. I noticed it in Aug.2017. I called WellsFargo and they ordered me a new card and only paid me back for two months...I filed a fraud report and waited the 90 day period for investigation. I called after 90days and they said no response from Geeker and there is nothing else they can do...So I'm out almost $400.00, and the phone number WellsFargo gave me was to a Linen New York! Do I have any more rights to recover my money that was illegally taken from me?


Sep. 29, 2017 at 6:31 AM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Hereford, England, United Kingdom

This company who ever they are, are charging my account when I have canceled it. I spoke to my bank and they have stopped it.


Sep. 21, 2017 at 6:16 PM by
Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?
an anonymous user from: Weaverville, North Carolina, United States

Saw a debit on my statement from geekercom...a recurring what do I do?


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Is Geeker a Scam or Legit Content Streaming Website?