The email message below: "Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity," is a fake. The email message was NOT sent by Microsoft and is a phishing scam created by cybercriminals to steal Microsoft, MSN, Hotmail, Live or Outlook usernames and passwords. Therefore, recipients of the fake email message are asked not to click on the links or follow the instructions in it. Microsoft email users who have received similar emails and who want to know if there is something actually wrong with their accounts, may go directly to, or and sign into their accounts. If there is something wrong, or if there is something that needs to be done on their accounts, they will be notified after signing in.
It is recommended that Microsoft Hotmail, Live or Outlook users never click on a link to sign into their accounts. They should go directly to, or sign-in from there instead.
The "Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-in Activity" Phishing Scam
From: Outlook Administrator
Date: September 8, 2016 at 8:46:48 AM EDT
Subject: Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity
Unusual Activity Detected
We detected something unusual about a recent activity to the Microsoft account. To help keep you safe, we required an extra security challenge. You will need to verify your Microsoft email account below to confirm that the recent activity was yours and to regain access and enjoy our unlimited service.
Verify Now
What happened?
Using a shared computer to access your account.
Logging in your microsoft account from blacklisted IP.
Not logging off your account after usage.
Thanks for using your Microsoft account to bring the people who matter most together in one place. You can change your connection settings anytime and find more ways to connect at fourteen/genericons/font/dirrect.php.
See you online,
The Microsoft team
The links in the phishing email message go to the following fake and phishing website:
If you were tricked into entering your username and password on the fake MSN / Hotmail / Live / Outlook webpage, please change your password immediately.
Click here to change your password.