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"Google Anniversary Winner" Lottery Scam

The email message below with the subject: "Google Anniversary Winner," is a lottery scam created by scammers to trick the recipients into sending their personal information and money, by claiming that they are the winners of the Google Anniversary promotion or lottery. There is no Google lottery, and Google will never ask online users to send their personal information via email message.


This type of lottery scam will ask you to send your personal information and subsequently ask you to send money in order to receive your prize. But, please do not respond to the email message or follow the instructions in it. Google is not taking part in or endorsing any lottery games, so if you receive an email claiming that you have won some lottery prize endorsed by Google, it is a scam.

The “Google Anniversary Winner” Email

Subject: Google Anniversary Winner

Dear Google User,

We congratulate you for being selected as a winner on our ongoing promotion, you were selected due to your active use of our online services, find attached PDF file with more information.


Larry Page,

There is no prize, so please do not send your hard earned money to these cybercriminals. If you send your personal information, these cybercriminals will use it to further scam you.

This lottery scam is similar to the following:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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