"Bank of Montreal - Customer Satisfaction Survey" BOM Phishing Scam

Bank of Montreal - Customer Satisfaction Survey BOM Phishing Scam

The email message below with the subject: "Bank of Montreal - Customer Satisfaction Survey," which claims that BOM (Bank Of Montreal) is conducting a survey to benchmark the opinions of their customers, is a phishing scam. The fake or phishing email message was NOT sent by Bank Of Montreal, but by cybercriminals, who are attempting to trick their potential victims into sending them their personal and credit card information. Therefore, recipients of the fraudulent email message should delete it and should not follow the instructions into it.

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The "Bank of Montreal - Customer Satisfaction Survey" Email Phishing Scam

From: survey-6772@bankofmontreal.com
Subject: Bank of Montreal - Customer Satisfaction Survey
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 12:00:54 +0200

Dear Bank of Montreal customer,

At Bank of Montreal we sincerely value your opinions. As part of our continuous improvement process, we're conducting a survey to benchmark the opinions of our customers.

We will use the resulting information to better serve all of our customers.

We kindly ask you to take part in our quick and easy reward survey.

In return we will credit $50.00 to your account - Just for your time!

To start the survey, download and complete the form attached to this email.

With the information collected we can decide to direct a number of changes to improve and expand our services.

Thank you,

Bank of Montreal

Recipients of the fake or phishing email message who were tricked by the phishing email message should report it to Bank of Montreal before their credit cards are used fraudulently by cybercriminals.

Bank of Montreal (BOM) would never ask their customers to submit their personal and credit card information in a survey, therefore, recipients who have received email messages requesting the same information, should not follow the instructions in them. They should delete them instead.

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"Bank of Montreal - Customer Satisfaction Survey" BOM Phishing Scam