New Hitler-Themed Ransomware Designed To Crash Computers

New Hitler-Themed Ransomware Designed To Crash Computers

Security researchers are warning of a new Hitler-themed ransomware designed to crash victims’ PCs or computers, and then delete all files after just one hour if its creator isn't paid. The Ransomware removes the extension for all of the files under various directories or folders, display a lock screen, and then show a one hour countdown as shown in the lock screen below. After that hour it will crash the victim's computer, and on reboot, delete all of the files under the user’s profile. Ransomware is a type of malicious software or malware designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid

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This is How the New Hitler-Themed Ransomware Looks

New Hitler-Themed Ransomware

While it’s running, the ransomware will be on the lookout for any processes with the names taskmgr, utilman, sethc, or cmd – apparently terminating them if detected. The ransomware kill those processes because they are tools that can be used to shut it down.

How to Prevent Infection

  • Do not open email attachments with the file name *invoice* without first checking with the “sender”. Do not open unexpected email attachments from known or unknown sources. A malicious e-mail attachment is one of the oldest, most effective, and easiest methods of infecting a computer. Always check the file extension of an e-mail attachment, because cyber-criminals can disguise an attachment as a Microsoft Word document, PDF document, or other legitimate documents. Attachments ending with ".zip" or ".rar" are compressed files that should not be open if the sender is unknown to you, or you were not expecting the email message.
  • DO NOT download computer programs, scripts, or Microsoft Office documents with Macro from untrustworthy websites or unpopular websites. This is because these files can infect your computer with a ransomware.

Click here for a list of email attachments that should never be open regardless of where they came from.


  • Backup important files and photos periodically to facilitate quick and easy recovery in the event of a ransomware infection.
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New Hitler-Themed Ransomware Designed To Crash Computers