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"Second Attempt - You Have 6 New Messages Waiting" Phishing Scam

The email message below with the subject: "Second Attempt: You Have 6 New Messages Waiting" which claims that the recipients have new messages that should be read before they expire, is a phishing scam. The fake or phishing email message was sent cybercriminals, who are attempting to trick their potential victims into visiting a phishing website that will steal their online accounts' username and passwords, personal and financial information. Therefore, recipients of the fraudulent email message should delete it and not follow the instructions into it.


The Phishing Email Message

From: "noreply" 6803cph1xm4w8t4jxnqu5x
Date: July 5, 2016 at 6:34:52 PM EDT
Subject: Second Attempt: You Have 6 New Messages Waiting!


You have 6 new messages waiting.

Read them before they expire!

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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