"www.adeabeer.top" - A Malicious Website

www.adeabeer.top - A Malicious Website

The website: "adeabeer.top," is dangerous. The dangerous website was created by cybercriminals to display fake mobile messages claiming that the potential victims’ mobile devices are infected with a virus or malware. And, once potential victims follow the instructions in the messages, they will be taken to malicious websites that ask them to download and install malicious apps. Therefore, recipients of messages claiming that their mobile devices or phones are infected with a virus, or will be locked or damaged, should ignore them. Also, they should never follow the instructions in the fake messages.

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Below are some of the fake and malicious messages that the website “adeabeer.top” displays to potential victims.

Some of the Fake and Malicious Mobile Messages

the page at www.adeabeer.top says: you must update your android launcher now or your phone will locked within 1 day

The page at
You must update your Android Launcher now or your phone will locked within 1 day

Android Launcher Update Required
Due to the latest report hacking event targeting BLU Dash C Music Android phone, we released a launcher update, and it is required for every Android phone.
If you do not upgrade your BLU Dash C Music phone will be locked with 1 day
Cancel Update Now

Your Samsung Android is INFECTED
WARNING! Your personal photos, Facebook and other personal passwords, as well as credit card information are at risk!

Your Samsung Android has been exposed to a fatal Trojan virus while browsing recent adult-oriented websites.
Remove Virus Now

(3) Virus Detected
Scan and Remove Virus Now

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Aug 16, 2016 at 6:19 PM by
"www.adeabeer.top" - A Malicious Website
an anonymous user from: Salford Quays, England, United Kingdom

My Samsung A5 phone had a legitimate software update/ update required when I ran across this site, it legit just seemed to pop up whilst I was using google/Internet or whatever.

I didn't use the download link on the app, but I did the software update that my phone required (the software update was listed in my phone notifications the way that all proper updates are on my phone), all seems fine, but I want to stay safe by asking about it. I do have a security app (360 security) on my phone.


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"www.adeabeer.top" - A Malicious Website