The email message below which claims that the recipients' Hotmail or Outlook profile will be blocked in response to a complaint received by the administration, is a phishing scam created to steal Microsoft usernames and passwords. The email message was not sent by Microsoft, but by cyber-criminals, whose intentions are to hijack email accounts and use them for malicious purposes. So, recipients of the same email message are advised to delete it and not to follow the instructions in it.
The "Your Profile Will Be Blocked In Response to A Complaint" Phishing Scam
From: Outlook Security Team
Date: 17 July 2016 at 18:14:15 BST
Subject: Complaint ID6097590
Outlook Security Issue
Your profile will be blocked in response to a complaint received by the administration 17/07/2016
According to provision 13.3 of Terms, may at any time, terminate its Services for account.
You can refute the statement, by following this link:
Click Here
If this complaint has not been rejected for 2 days, your mail account will be blocked.
Complaint ID: 6097590.
© 2016 Outlook. All Rights Reserved
The link in the email message goes to a fake Outlook or Microsoft website, which will attempt to trick the cyber-criminals' potential victims into entering their usernames and passwords on it. If the potential victims enter their Microsoft Outlook, Hotmail, Live usernames and passwords on the fake website, it will be sent to the cyber-criminals behind the email scam, who will use the information to hijack their accounts.
If you have received the same email message, please go directly to your email account instead of clicking on the links in the email message. And, if there is anything wrong with your account, it will be shown to you after signing in. If you were tricked by the phishing email, please change your Microsoft Hotmail/Live/Outlook immediately. If you are unable to, click here to report it to Microsoft.
This scam is similar to the following: