www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website

www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website

The website: "www.enibag.com" or "www.enibag.ru" is a fake Longchamp handbag selling website, where potential victims run the risk of their credit card and personal information being stolen and used fraudulently, or receive knock-off or imitation bags. The fake email message below, which claims the recipients can save up to 70% off Longchamp handbags by subscribing to Apple Trusted’s Longchamp Discount Event, is just one of the methods used by scammers to trick potential victims into visiting the fraudulent website.

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The Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website - www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru

www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru

The Fake Email Being Sent Out To Invite Potential Victims to the Website

From: iCloud (noreply@email.apple.com)

Subject: Subscribe to Apple Trusted’s “Longchamp Discount Event” , Find the latest styles and save up to 70% OFF. http://www.enibag.com/” calendar?

Apple Trusted invited you to subscribe to the calendar “Longchamp Discount Event” , Find the latest styles and save up to 70% OFF. http://www.enibag.com/” and sent this message with the invitation:

“Hot sale: Longchamp Le Pliage

Find the latest styles and save up to 70% OFF

your favorite designer brands.

Fast shipping and free returns.


Subscribe to this calendar to view its events.

Subscribe to Calendar

Note: If you’re having trouble using the button to subscribe, open this

email on your iOS device or in Mail.app on a Mac, and try again.

iCloud is a service provided by Apple. Apple ID | Support | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy

Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014, United States. All rights reserved.

© 2016 Microsoft Terms Privacy & cookies Developers English (United States)From: iCloud (noreply@email.apple.com)

Subject: Subscribe to Apple Trusted’s “Longchamp Discount Event” , Find the latest styles and save up to 70% OFF. http://www.enibag.com/” calendar?

Apple Trusted invited you to subscribe to the calendar “Longchamp Discount Event” , Find the latest styles and save up to 70% OFF. http://www.enibag.com/” and sent this message with the invitation:

“Hot sale: Longchamp Le Pliage

Find the latest styles and save up to 70% OFF

your favorite designer brands.

Fast shipping and free returns.


Subscribe to this calendar to view its events.

Subscribe to Calendar

Note: If you’re having trouble using the button to subscribe, open this

email on your iOS device or in Mail.app on a Mac, and try again.

iCloud is a service provided by Apple. Apple ID | Support | Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy

Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014, United States. All rights reserved.

© 2016 Microsoft Terms Privacy & cookies Developers English (United States)

Online users are advised to stay away from the fraudulent Longchamp website. And, for online users who have already used their credit cards on the website, should contact their banks or credit card company, before their credit cards are used fraudulently by the scammers behind the fake Longchamp website.

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Aug. 19, 2016 at 3:12 PM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website

Received via email:

"I have the enibags.ru message in my notifications all the time. It keeps popping up, so annoying."


Jul. 22, 2016 at 8:29 AM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Temporary Solution:

Not sure if this will remove the notification permanently from phone. But I have been receiving 'reminder' notifications from enibag on a daily basis and couldn't clear it from my feed page (after updating the iphone, I was able to clear it but it didn't stop the notifications).

So I figured if I turn off notifications from 'reminders' it should stop. And it did! I haven't received anything since


Go to Settings > Notifications > Reminders > Turn off 'Allow Notifications'

Hope this helps.


Jul. 20, 2016 at 6:24 PM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Auckland, New Zealand

The website "enibag" is repeatedly showing up in my reminders and I can't get rid of it. Is there something I can do to block it from my iPad?


Jul. 20, 2016 at 9:32 AM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Madrid, Spain

Hi! I'm from Spain and I had the same problem! Few days ago I recived an email apparently from iCloud saying all those things about a page on internet with discounts. I erased it, I didn't really care about what it said, but suddently a reminder appears on my phone! I erased it but I keep getting a notification on my phone saying its a reminder every 5 minutes! So annoying! I decided to call to Apple support, because I tried everything to quit this reminder! They told me to erase all the cookies and all website stuff going to settings/safarI and them click in clear history and webside data. Finally doing this the stupid reminder dissapears! I hope this work for all of you! (Sorry about my English I'm still learning!)


Jul. 20, 2016 at 7:40 AM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

My iPhone has a constant reminder about the Longchamp discount event that I can't delete!


Jul. 20, 2016 at 9:34 AM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Madrid, Spain

Erase the reminder and go to settings/safarI and click on clear history and website data!


Jul. 19, 2016 at 6:45 AM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Clichy-sous-bois, Ile-de-France, France

Hey! I had this problem too. I saw that by disconnecting my Apple ID from my phone, the reminder disappeared. I created a new Apple ID and I have not this problem anymore.

It is a solution which does not solve this issue...


Jul. 18, 2016 at 6:43 AM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: San Diego, California, United States

Kept getting the notification in my reminders app. Found out it was from downloading the Burner Phone app. Deleted it and the notification and reminder went away!


Jul. 18, 2016 at 2:17 PM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Lubotice, Prešovský, Slovakia

I don't have burner phone app. Still get invite to enibag.ru. Angry.


Jul. 16, 2016 at 7:49 AM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

I thought it was safe because it's from ICloud apple so I ordered one but felt something fishy so I tried cancelling the order but to no avail. I rang up my bank and was told I need to wait for 30 days before the dispute can be accepted so I cancelled the old card and they will replace a new one. That's the only protection as to not let the scammers use my credit card.


Jul. 15, 2016 at 4:31 PM by
www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website
an anonymous user from: Chicago, Illinois, United States

I keep getting a notification on my phone saying its a reminder what should I do?


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www.enibag.com or www.enibag.ru - A Fake Longchamp Handbag Selling Website