"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam

Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You Scam

The email message below, which appears as if it was sent by FedEx, claiming an email containing confidential personal information was sent to the recipients, is a phishing scam. The fake email message was sent by cybercriminals and not by FedEx, to trick the recipients into clicking on the link within it, which will take them to a malicious or compromised website, where they will be asked to download and install viruses and malware disguised as a document. The recipients may also be taken to a phishing website, where they will be asked to sign into their email accounts or other online accounts.

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But, once the recipients attempt to sign into the fake or phishing website with their account credentials (username and password), it will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the scam, who will use the stolen credentials to hijack the recipients’ accounts. Therefore, recipients of the fake email message (see below), who were tricked into clicking on the link within it, should change their online account passwords and scan their computers or mobile devices for viruses and malware.

The Fake or Phishing FedEx Email Message

From: FedEx Express dennyaiimorganks@activeware.com
Date: Sun, May 1, 2016 at 1:58 AM
Subject: FedEx Express #38351

FedEx Express

An email containing confidential personal information was sent to you.

Click here to open this email in your browser.

Thanks for choosing FedEx®.

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March 13, 2019 at 10:50 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam

Here is another scam:

- Forwarded Message -

From: FedEx Express <matbld@deplanet.ch>

Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019, 5:41:49 PM CST

Subject: FedEx Express #1948

FedEx Express

We have sent you a message with the required information.

Click here to open this email in your browser.

Thanks for choosing FedEx®.

More information


October 24, 2018 at 12:27 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: FedEx International <costus1995@meltzermandl.com>

Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 8:02 PM

Subject: FedEx International No 1744

FedEx International

We have sent you a message with the required information.

Click here to open this email in your browser.

Thanks for choosing FedEx®."


June 24, 2018 at 1:51 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam

Here is another scam:

- - - -


June 23, 2018, 1:21 PM

to CASH, bcc: me

Reason of this notification: Against you filed Concealment Lawsuit (Terminology *Concealment Lawsuit* in law book means any Creditor/Company/Law Firm/Business can file case against you without revealing identity to convict/(YOU).

In case if you are employed then, apart from getting laid off by your current employer after we send them the legal notice you will be blacklisted from getting any job.

Through an IRS (Internal Revenue Service) your Social security number will be put on hold causing severe damage to your credit history or credit report and your income paychecks will be put on hold. Any child support, Disability, Unemployment or retirement benefits will be either place on hold or will be stopped until the outcome of the case.

Our primary job was to notify you about the case before we send you legal document in the mail because once this case gets registered and proceeded to its 2nd step then we won’t be able to help you out of court. Our client is least interested in getting the money at this point as they want to just go ahead and start taking legal actions however we wanted to contact you and give you last chance to resolve this case out of court.

Police Case#DP-102938

Warrant ID#ON/7722

Complaint #: 863020

Dear Debtor,

The Attorney General's Legal Affairs&Investigation Section has received the complaint regarding your bad loan. In an effort to make you aware of information received by the Attorney General's Legal Affairs&Investigation Section concerning your Case File #ST-90381, we are sending this complaint to you for response.

We would appreciate it if you would provide your written reply within 24 hours of receipt of this request so the complaint can be resolved without further action by the (AIPOFS) Annually Investigation Practices Of Federal System. Along with your reply, please include copies of all transactional documents relating to this that shows you are innocent if you think of denying this accusation.

I would like to personally offer you good faith adjustment if you agree the terms of the resolution so we can confirm with the Groups Of Attorneys that the resolution offered is acceptable and close the file. If you deny then I apologies but seek to issue arrest warrant against you in 24 hours you will be taken either from your work place or home under the custody of 72 hours after bail this matter will be fully revealed in courthouse after the default judgement you have to bear $95000.00 as court restitution fee, in case if you fail to pay court fee then as per the law your property and bank account will be seized and sealed respectively with the imprisonment of 7 years.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Tammy Harrison-

(Case Manager)


February 12, 2018 at 10:08 AM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam
an anonymous user from: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I received an e-mail, went into my spam box (yahoo.com) saying I had 4 broken e-mails and I was to click on a link to have them restored. The sender address was ereisiza@bountymailings.com. Entered bountymailings.com and the only match was a pregnancy advice site in England, so I presume this is either phishing or an attempt to install mlaware.

Has this been reported by anyone else? Saw no references to this anywhere.


February 8, 2018 at 9:51 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam
an anonymous user from: Duluth, Minnesota, United States

Thanks for the info, did receive a similar e-mail, checking this site confirmed what I already knew


January 13, 2018 at 11:04 AM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam
an anonymous user from: St Louis, Missouri, United States

I have received this message 2 or 3 times. I opened the email but I did not click on the link. Are there any known consequences to opening the email?


January 13, 2018 at 11:33 AM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam

No, there is no consequence for opening the link. The link must be clicked, the malware downloaded, and installed or executed before your computer can get infected.


December 20, 2017 at 2:48 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam

Here is another scam:

"From: FedEx Express <engineering2@excite.co.uk>

Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 6:08 PM

Subject: Blsohlden FedEx International #51273

FedEx Express

An email containing confidential personal information was sent to you.

Click here to open this email in your browser.

Thanks for choosing FedEx®."


December 13, 2017 at 8:15 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam
an anonymous user from: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I got this email yesterday too. It was put in my Junk folder and I just happened to open the folder today and saw it. It was considered by my email's filter system as fake and untrustworthy.

I googled FedEx and the phrase from content preview and got here. Most people don't have association with FedEx, and real FedEx address wouldn't be sent to Junk/Spam folder. Always look up unfamiliar senders before even consider opening. Scammers would use well-known company names.


December 20, 2017 at 2:12 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam
an anonymous user from: Independence, Missouri, United States

I just saw the email in my junk folder today and did what the person above did, copied and pasted the phrase in bing and found this useful webpage. Thank you guys for providing this information.


December 12, 2017 at 8:32 PM by
"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam

Here is another scam:

-Original Message-

From: Dilys (FedEx Express) <gbodenham@ringway.co.uk>

Sent: Fri, 8 Dec 2017 18:32

Subject: Pad Notice No 9214

FedEx #9214

We have sent you a message.

An email containing confidential personal information was sent to you.

Have trouble reading this email?

Click here to open this email in your browser.

View messages

Please click unsubscribe if you don't want to receive these messages from FedEx Express in the future."


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"Fedex Email Containing Confidential Personal Information Was Sent To You" Scam