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"Hi Prnt" Malicious Email Messages Sent By Cybercriminals

Recipients of emails that contain the message: "Hi Prnt," should delete them. The fake email messages contain malicious attachments, which the cybercriminals who have sent the email messages want the recipients to open. Once the malicious attachments are opened, the JavaScript code in them will take recipients to fake websites, where they will be tricked into downloading and installing viruses, spyware, Trojan horse and other malware disguised as legitimate software. Also, recipients may be taken to phishing websites, where they maybe tricked into submitting personal information, financial information or online account credentials to cybercriminals who will use the information to rip them off.


A Sample of the “Hi Prnt” Email Message

From: linkyjohn
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 6:43 PM
To: linkyjohn
Subject: hi prnt

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