sweepstakesgroup.com and sweepstakesamonth.com Scam Websites

sweepstakesgroup.com and sweepstakesamonth.com Scam Websites

The websites "www.sweepstakesgroup.com" and "www.sweepstakesamonth.com," which claim that online users can win shopping vouchers, gift cards and online sweepstakes by taking surveys, are fake survey-taking, voucher and gift give-away websites that should not be trusted. The fraudulent websites were created by scammers to trick their potential victims into taking surveys and sharing the same fake websites with their friends either through WhatsApp, Facebook or other social media websites, by promising them gifts, vouchers and other prizes. Remember, the surveys were created by scammers to harvest their potential victims’ personal information, to be used to scam them and to make the fake websites popular, by promising visitors to the websites gifts, if they share with a few friends. Also, potential victims who complete the surveys may also be tricked into registering for premium phone services and downloading malicious applications.

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None of the surveys on the fake websites are authentic. So, please do not attempt to follow the instructions on the websites, because it doesn’t matter how many survey you complete or how many times you share the scam with your friends, you will never receive what you were promised.

The Scam Websites

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Jan. 7, 2024 at 9:44 PM by
sweepstakesgroup.com and sweepstakesamonth.com Scam Websites
an anonymous user from: Chicago, Illinois, United States

There's an amoe in the rules if you don't want to fill out surveys.


Mar. 27, 2018 at 11:56 PM by
sweepstakesgroup.com and sweepstakesamonth.com Scam Websites
an anonymous user from: Melbourne, Florida, United States

I just got this today. Thought na, another scam. I was intrigued so filled initial info out. NOTHING FINANCIAL.. YET. Within 15 minutes my incoming text was jammed up with characters & letters, symbols.. NOTHING that makes sense.

Emails from everyone in Nigeria, I suppose, pulling the MY INFO FOR A CHANCE TO WIN. A mess.


Funny part, My identity has already need stolen, then sold and they tried.. three times emailing me that there were charges against me by US Blah Blah Agency and I had to immediately send $XX or they would be there to arrest me.

I laughed because you could tell they had little understanding of English, they wrote in words that likely came from a translation book, but were worded in bizarre ways, and, come on folks, no US governmental, or local agency would EVER email a monetary demand or say if not they were coming to arrest you... not here Dude!

Once, I said "OK, youv got me, Im coming right there to the Police Station and confess



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sweepstakesgroup.com and sweepstakesamonth.com Scam Websites